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English All of Nest's products, like the If you already own a Google Home or any of Google's other smart home products, this change isn't likely to drastically affect you.

To place an order, your shipping address must be in this region. To place an order, your shipping address must be in this region. If your payment is not in this region’s currency, your bank may charge you a conversion fee. Android 4.4 (KitKat) or later, Don’t refresh the page.You can still browse our products in any of the other regions.An error occurred while processing your purchase. Add or remove Preferred Care for this device to match what’s already in your basket or buy this device in a separate order.We can't ship this with other items in your cart.

If your payment is not in this region’s currency, your bank may charge you a conversion fee.

If your payment is not in this region’s currency, your bank may charge you a conversion fee. Alla varor i kundvagnen tas bort.You’re changing your region to Switzerland.
The Google Home Mini is the most affordable Google Assistant-enabled speaker available and thankfully, its voice recognition doesn’t suffer from the reduction in size and price. Internet of Things (IoT) Compatible Power Source Any items in your cart will be removed.Tu región pasará a ser España.

If your payment is not in this region’s currency, your bank may charge you a conversion fee. If you sign up for Nest's premium Nest Aware service, you can get alerts based on who the camera sees.

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Any items in your cart will be removed.You’re changing your region to India.
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There are thousands of questions you can ask Google. Google Play Music, Please try again later.Devices on Google Play moved to the new Google Store! Tous les articles de votre panier seront supprimés.You’re changing your region to Germany. Alle Artikel in deinem Einkaufswagen werden entfernt.You’re changing your region to Switzerland.

If you're not sure whether you want a Google Home, an The smart speaker from the eponymous search giant was designed to compete with the popular Amazon Echo. Si tu pago no está en la moneda de esta región, es posible que tu banco te cobre una comisión por el cambio.