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Demi Lovato: Live in Concert (2009–2010) A Special Night with Demi Lovato (2011–2013) The Neon Lights Tour (2014) Demi World Tour (2014–2015) Tell Me You Love Me World Tour (2018) Co-headlining. En 2002, Demi Lovato apparait sur la série Barney, série dans laquelle figurait aussi Selena Gomez. Elle était la deuxième des deux enfants nés de l'union entre sa mère, Dianna De La Garza et son père, Patrick Martin Lovato. Demi Lovato - I Love Me (Lyric Video) V9h0UZbvN2w. Le 18 mai 2018, elle sort une collaboration avec Clean Bandit, intitulée Solo, qui est suivie par son clip le 31 mai 2018 [180], [181]. Elle poste régulièrement des messages à ses Lovatics sur Twitter pour montrer qu'elle ne les oublie pas. Demi Lovato est alors signée chez Hollywood Records et sort le 23 septembre son premier album, « Don’t forget » co-écrit avec les Jonas Brothers . Le réalisateur du clip Demi Lovato a été en couple pour la première fois avec un dénommé Jonathan Fryar de février à novembre 2007En mai 2010, elle devient la compagne de l'acteur de douze ans son aîné, En mai 2020, elle officialise son couple avec l'acteur américain, Elle a 18 ans et deux mois en octobre 2010, quand elle quitte la tournée Elle parle toujours au passé de ses problèmes d'addiction mais le 24 juillet 2018, elle est transportée inanimée de son domicile au En mai 2009, Demi Lovato est nommée ambassadrice d'American Partnership For Eosinophilic Disorders qui lutte contre les problèmes mentauxEn janvier 2010, Demi apparaît dans l'annonce pour Voto Latino afin de promouvoir l'organisation Be Counted, campagne de préparation au En mai 2013, Demi Lovato est honorée pour son dévouement à titre de mentor pour les adolescents et les jeunes adultes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale à la journée nationale de la sensibilisation à la santé mentale à Washington par Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationElle s'exprime aussi en faveur des droits de la communauté En mai 2016, elle crée une ligne de t-shirts vendus durant sa tournée, dont les bénéfices iront à des associations de protection des droits des personnes transgenres. La carrière de Demi Lovato a commencé en 2006 quand elle a fait une apparition dans la célèbre série télévisée “Prison Break” et a poursuivi avec un camée dans la série “Just Jordan”. Lovato's comeback continued in 2012 when she, along with Britney Spears, signed on to be one of the four judges on the second season of the U.S. version of The X Factor.It debuted in the fall of 2012, and Lovato's role was a success, leading to her return for the 2013 season. Demi Lovato - I Love Me (emo version) ft. Travis Barker (Lyric Video) QhYQsXfYy9c. NYC Pride spokesperson Patti Diluigi said, "Demi Lovato is an amazing role model for today's youth, both LGBT and non-LGBT, for her activism in the area of equality, positive messaging on body image, and level of openness with her struggles. Warm Up Tour (2008) An Evening with Demi Lovato (2011) Opening act Demi Lovato, 24, recently received the results of her ancestry DNA test — and was quick to share the shocking details to her Twitter followers People also assume that Demi Lovato has Italian descent from her mother. "On her 18th birthday, Lovato purchased a Mediterranean-style house in Los Angeles for her family; however, she decided to live in a "Lovato had no interest in forging a relationship with her birth father, Patrick, after his divorce from her mother.Lovato describes her sexuality as fluid, and has said she is open to finding love with someone of any gender.On July 23, 2020, Lovato announced her engagement to actor In April 2011, Lovato became a contributing editor for Lovato also stated that her drug and alcohol addictions caused her to not only nearly In October 2019, Lovato attended a free trip to Israel provided by the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and private donors,In May 2009, Lovato was named an Honorary Ambassador of Education by the American Partnership For Lovato was featured in a January 2010 public-service announcement for Voto Latino to promote the organization's "Be Counted" campaign preparing for the In May 2014, Lovato was named the LA Pride Parade Grand Marshal and the lead performer for NYC Pride Week for her contribution to the LGBT community. NYC Pride spokesperson Patti Diluigi said, "Demi Lovato is an amazing role model for today's youth, both LGBT and non-LGBT, for her activism in the area of equality, positive messaging on body image, and level of openness with her struggles. Demetria Devonne Lovato was born on August 20, 1992 in Lovato's parents divorced in mid-1994, shortly after her second birthday.In 2002, Lovato began her career on the children's television series From 2007 to 2008, Lovato played Charlotte Adams on the In January 2019, the album was certified platinum by the RIAA, and has sold one million copies in the United States.In February 2017, Lovato executive-produced a documentary, On May 11, 2019, via an Instagram post, Lovato revealed that she had signed with a new manager, In January 2020, it was revealed that Lovato would make her return to music later that month with a performance of her comeback single "Lovato has frequently cited "power vocalists" such as Upon working with Lovato on her third studio album In a review of the Neon Lights Tour, Mike Wass from Idolator commented "you don't need shiny distractions when you can belt out songs like [Lovato] and connect with the crowd on such an emotional level. She is famous for her role in the Disney movie Camp Rock and the television series As the Bell Rings.