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I have a feeling that O-lion (and maybe Auroradon) is going to 0, and Halq + Linkross are staying for another format. So Secret Slayers have given us 2 top tier decks, and Rikka is the odd one out for having neither the resilience of Eldlich nor the combo potential of Adamancipators. card game, video games, or fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! That's why I decided to add in Megaclops, because the deck makes it pretty easily on the second turn, and Megaclops often steal games against Adamancipators. And, whereas 1-card pseudo-FTK Halq combos can add in disruption of their own, your 2-card one can't without serious brickery.I think I have addressed a lot of that under the strengths and weakness sections in the OP.The deck does not try win by setting up 4+ disruptions like Adamancipators, nor does it try to win by outgrinding the opponent like Eldlich. link jasmine works for any plant deck so if it is in your ED the deck does not count as an aroma build.Edit: dont know why the downvote, various tests from people including myself have found that you cant just inject whatever rikka cards into an aroma deck. Jasmine searches for Mardel, and Mardel searches for Angelica. Eldlich relies heavily on targeting removal and our whole board is protected against it. The Main Deck. It's another small engine with some synergy, can be used with halqi(they are tuners) and dump high plants to the gy for free, probably is not better than the syncrons but they may not be long for this worldWhat would you change/ swap out and in to make a rose engine work in this deck? Rikka Traps are not run because Blessed Winds is honestly better.The above 11 cards are essential in the combo as displayed. They often can't really OTK through a board immune to targeting, destruction and battle, especially since Teardrop can snipe out OTK enablers like Borrelsword or Dragite (also Cherubime is a thing that can be included in the deck to literally survive forever). Plant decks have kinda been my thing for my first few years in the game and I always had a special attachment to them, so I tried to make combo Rikka a thing. Going second, it's best to remove 3 Petals, 2 Snowdrops and 1 Quickdraw Synchron for 3x Evenly and 3x Lancea. Unlike Adamancipator and Eldlich, this particular variant of Rikka relies on Halq resolving and that's probably the biggest challenge Rikka has to overcome to become a tiered deck.I've been working on this deck for some time now, trying out many different engines to try to make it work, and for some reason it never occurred to me that Halq can work that well in a Xyz deck. I run 2 copies of Mardel since I always want a copy in the deck to summon using Jasmine. Swapped with a second copy of Jasmine for grinding and a copy of Megaclops which the deck can surprisingly make really easily on your second turn.While the opening board doesn't seem that impressive, it can be surprisingly difficult to break especially for Eldlich. rikkas are xyz focused and lock you into plants while the deck focuses on tributing can place 3 rikkas in an aroma deck to get out the rank 8 but those cards would take up too much room which can be used for better things like rose girl please stop trying to splash rikkas into an aroma deck but you can tech in some aromas in a rikka deck. I'm probably gonna try to refine it more since it's a Plant deck, and Plant decks just shares that bond with me.Honestly I would probably call this a rikka build. C'est exactement ce qu'a mis malwabar après le texte de la carte : la fusion de cartes interdites en une seule et même carte, avec effet au choix en plus O_o c'est même pas genre "si on vous a empêcher de draw, pioche deux cartes, si tu n'as encore rien activer remelange un truc de la main de ton adversaire dans son deck ou si ton adversaire a activer un effet de monstre sur son terrain prend le contrôle d'un des siens" (ça n'a sans doute aucun intérêt ce paragraphe là apres réflexion ^^')Assez d'accord avec ce qui été dis (comme pour la dernière fois), Konami montre de plus en plus ouvertement son orientation "Capitaliste" du jeu….avant on pouvais se poser la question, discuter, la non, on vire ce qui empêche de vendre nos carte et on balance du plus balèze derrière, bien évidement elle ne sera pas en commune hein Yep on a pas le choix du coup ça fait quand même une potentielle 2ème taxe de jeu pour 2020 (orage foudroyant étant la première), sachant qu'en plus les autres cartes sont limitées pour te forcer à acheter celle la c'est vraiment pas cool ^^'Visargo, c'est vrai que l'aspect mercantile devient assez évident avec Red Reboot, Mind Control etc limités et des Secrètes à 100 balles illimitées.Pour le fait qu'il n'y ait plus de Short Print dans les sets principaux, j'ai pas mal la flemme de faire les calculs mais vu que le nombre de cartes Holos augmente je suis pas sûr que les "Money Cards" sortiront beaucoup plus que si elles avaient effectivement été Short Print…