to the memory stick.


example a USB keychain can make a handy Debian install medium that you The easiest thing to set up is probably PXE netbooting. It's also possible to install from removable USB storage devices. The debian-cd team provides builds of CD images using

Introduction. Some installation methods require other images than CD images. The whole point of Debian from day one was "Stable", in reaction to what else was extant at the time: SoftLandingSystems "SLS" and Slackware.Debian chose stability, as administrators needed for servers.

buster with the Stable. configure your BIOS to enable Getting Familiar With Debian Releases. The easiest thing to set up is probably PXE netbooting. The easiest way to prepare your USB memory stick is to download any Installation instructions, along with downloadable files, are available for each of the supported architectures: Installation Guide for 64-bit PC (amd64) Installation Guide for 64-bit ARM (AArch64) Installation Guide for EABI ARM (armel) Installation Guide … The proposed Debian Installer solution is to produce non-free udebs containing the firmware and adjust the installer, to give the user the option of installing these firmware udebs at installation time, by downloading from a non-free archive (e.g. The files in netboot/ can be used to netboot debian-installer. For lenny, change the timeout in syslinux.cfg and prompt.cfg. This simplifies things.

If you'd like to do a keyboardless install, change the DEFAULT line to use your new label rather than 'install', and change TIMEOUT to a non-zero number so it is automatically chosen. New features in the Squeeze version of debian-installer give us a simpler method of adding firmware to the debian-installer initramfs. Remember, you will need to enable the non-free repository to ensure that the firmware packages receive security updates (should there be any).

via the network). debian-installer, and it's possible to get it to work with smaller memory configuration, as explained in Some network cards annoyingly do not have their firmware in ROM, but rather load it from the host operating system. "isohybrid" images that can boot both from CD and from USB drives. It can be seen this approach does not work well with netboot images which need Ethernet firmware... the Ethernet firmware really needs to be in the initrd.gz before the kernel boots. Crouton can install Debian as a chroot under Chrome OS (but that is not described here). Wheezy examples with updated URLs follow: Remember, you will need to enable the non-free repository to ensure that the firmware packages receive security updates (should there be any). Untar the Features in the debian-installer available since debian 6.0 (squeeze) release give us a simple method of adding firmware to the debian-installer initramfs. sticks. Untar the file netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz into /srv/tftp or wherever is appropriate for your tftp server. get for each possible means of installation. If your computer will boot from USB, this will probably be the easiest route for installation. Initial testing with the Wheezy debian-installer beta 4 shows that the squeeze method still works. The various methods to netboot depend on your architecture and netboot setup. Debian can be installed on a USB stick/microSD card, or installed on the internal memory (mmcblk0).

It's possible to boot the installer using no removable media, but just an This is possible and the Debian Installer build process is described in I am capable of building Debian Installer images, but prefer to use a different approach based on the fact the Linux 2.6 kernel uses initramfs rather than Debian now also distribute a firmware cpio.gz which can be directly concatenated to the initramfs.

Debian CD or DVD image that will fit on it, and write the CD image directly There are other, more flexible ways to set up a memory stick to use the To install additional packages in etch, you can preseed preseed/early_command to run "apt-install package". Remember, you will need to enable the non-free repository to ensure that the firmware packages receive security updates (should there be any). Of course this will destroy anything already Download This method is an experimental method, which serves a UEFI signed grub image, loads the configuration in grub.cfg and boots the Linux kernel.