Change.orgとは インパクト 求人募集 スタッフ Change Wire. CHANGE.ORG会社紹介. Search... Loading. Support & Help. Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Rising seas, increased droughts, more intense heatwaves and wildfires, and stronger storms threaten American cities and towns and their economies. Though this policy is under review and the Trump administration has stalled on other national-scale efforts to combat global warming, climate action in the U.S. continues through regional, state and local efforts.The transition to clean energy provides not only a path to limit the greenhouse gas emissions that drive global warming, but also creates economic opportunities in every state.Each of the fifty states faces climate change-related risks as well as clean energy opportunities.American politics and policies are shaping the country’s ability to combat climate change and prepare for its effects. Visit Community Change’s platform for the stories of real people making real change, featuring the op-eds, videos, photo essays, audio stories, and podcasts of our Communications Fellows, staff, and partners.

Neither nor the Foundation fact-check or endorse any of the campaigns or other user-generated content on, including the petitions that get promoted by users. Una petición bien hecha tiene más probabilidades de alcanzar el objetivo. Un pedido concreto, contar tu historia y elegir al destinatario correcto son las claves para que mucha gente apoye tu petición.Cómo contar tu historia a los periodistas y utilizar el poder de la prensa para llevar tu campaña a más personas y generar presión.Para conseguir más apoyo, es importante compartir la petición en las redes sociales y WhatsApp.Entra en contacto con el destinatario de tu petición, entrégale tu petición y negocia el cambio.Entender qué y quién influye al destinatario de tu petición, para que los que te apoyan te ayuden a persuadirlo.Usa las herramientas de para declarar la victoria y contarle a los que te apoyaron cuánto te ayudaron. We work both nationally and internationally to change the development – we need you and your support.Visit our knowledge centerLearn more about plastic . As an open platform, anyone can use the platform no matter … Across the United States, communities are already experiencing the impacts of climate change.
Contact Support Contact Support. About Impact Careers Team. Toggle SideBar. Search... Search Close. 規約違反、法的なお問い合わせ. ¿Y después? And … Login. … Sign in to ask the community. ABOUT US. Community. Don’t see it? And without climate action, they will only get worse.The Clean Power Plan, a federal policy introduced under President Obama, aims to combat climate change by limiting emissions from the energy sector. Support us in the fight against plasticHow can we use less plastic and how can we use it smarter than we do today?

If you happen to receive a permission error, try logging into your account and clicking on the signature removal link again. Search... End of Search Dialog. Rising seas, increased droughts, more intense heatwaves and wildfires, and stronger storms threaten American cities and towns and their economies. Te damos la bienvenida al Centro de Recursos de En, cualquier persona puede liderar movilizaciones y conectar directamente con quien decide en un determinado asunto. Blog Press. General.
Climate Change in the U.S. Across the United States, communities are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Company. Please note that the link in this email is only valid for 30 days.