Siempre hay formas más propias de exponer un punto de vista.Esta cancion lo estuve buscando un muy buen tiempo y xfin lo encontre es un muy buen tema y Susanne vega es extraordinaria MUY BUENA.Gracias por la traducción.   Suzanne Vega: “I wanted to write about the issue of child abuse, but I wasn’t sure how to do it…”Although the song bravely tackles the disturbing issue of child abuse, Celebrating both the album and single’s 25th anniversary this year, we caught up with Suzanne in Long Island and invited the iconic songwriter to tell the story of the powerfully emotive song… “It was probably late-summer in 1983 or ’84 and I lived in New York City, in Chelsea, on the corner of 8th Avenue and 23rd Street. En ella hablas en femenino, como si la protagonista fuera una niña. Suzanne Vega - My Name Is Luka - Este es un glosario de acordes completo, alimentado por la comunidad y constante mente revisado para aseguramiento de la calidad. I was imagining where he’d live and I suppose I was imagining being a neighbour hearing something. Just don't ask me what it was . I live on the second floor. It was a children’s magazine, so I knew it was a child. Nosotros podemos ayudarte, Por favor, considera siempre las descargas legales, esta canción cuesta en Itunes más o menos lo que cuesta tomarse un café, aquí tienes el enlace directo a las canciones de Suzanne Vega.Política de privacidad: Este sitio web utiliza cookies propias y de terceros. some kind of fight. My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble. Can't you feel that joy rising from deep […]I fell in love with Ms. Ian after I heard Socities Child, the song touched me because I was kind of living it. I live on the second floor. some kind of fight. Just don't ask me what it was. Don't you hear that sound it echoes like a drum, 2 marzo 2004 Utilizamos cookies para asegurar que damos la mejor experiencia al usuario en nuestro sitio web. El método que te recomendamos: primero escucha la canción sin mirar la letra, después escúchala con la letra, y vistas 26. Just don't ask me what it was. Al autor de la traducción: creo que hay algunas sutilezas que no has traducido del todo correctamente, si te interesa puedo mandarte mi versión por si quieres cambiar algo. Wherever he is, I wish him well and I hope he doesn’t mind that I took his name!”I woke up this morning planning to write a song. Chorus . If you hear something late at night. Olivia Ong. buscar Tendencias: Página Inicial. Lo sentimos, tu blog no puede compartir entradas por correo electrónico. If you hear something late at night. That secrecy comes out in the song too, and I was aware of that when I wrote it.“I think if I had written a more formulaic song about abuse, no one would’ve listened. That’s important, otherwise it’s just going to be a slogan. I’d been listening to a lot of Lou Reed’s “So I had the idea of writing a song about child abuse and then when I saw the name Luka I thought this would fit that song. Yes I think you've seen me before . Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo That was pretty much the extent of our conversation, but I thought of him as a character, and when I wrote the song I had no idea that anyone was thinking of it being a hit – I just took his name and his character and put them in the song, even though I had no evidence that he was being abused.“It’s a song that took quite a few months for me to write, because I kept circling it in my mind. Compartir en Facebook Compartir en Twitter. His Mama told my wife that when he was about to start “Nashville”, the studio […]I love this song, I was about 21 when this song came out. On the one hand don’t be afraid to tackle issues, but on the other hand bring it down to earth and make people really live in the moment of the story. My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble.

I’d never seen him before, or maybe I’d seen him as part of a crowd of kids.