Guy Richie is a genius really and truly.
It had a nice subtle sophistication to it, and it lacked the shocking, stomach-turning violence of "Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch."
His subtle dialogue and crazy laughter really spells horror and magic at the same time.
Johnny Quid is such the antihero, but you root for him in a kinda weird cracked out drug induced hazy way.
A director who had more of a critical and financial success with his first film than many of his colleagues have had over the course of their entire careers, Guy Ritchie became one of Britain's most talked-about directors on the strength of his 1998 debut, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
He regarded the work of most film school graduates as "unwatchable and boring" and the British film industry as suffering from a creative void. With a cast that featured many of the Lock, Stock players and American support from the likes of Brad Pitt and Benicio Del Toro, the 2000 feature was treated with significant anticipation on both sides of the Atlantic.
Solidly good! Occasionally violence penetrates the jolly atmosphere but usually in a cartoonish way (the Russian/Chechen heavies in the chase scene), a possible exception being a Joe Peschi pencil job on the bouncer. oh yeah a full cast of super stars. If you liked any other Guy Ritchie movie - except Revolver I have no idea what on earth happened there and I blame Madonna - this is a cool, clever adventure that is worth every minute of your time.
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As much as I adore Tom Hardy this film unfortunately fell flat for me.
guy ritchie films seem to follow a certain flow, ROCKNROLLA definitely follows that flow. OK, it' not a patch on Snatch and perhaps there is just one smoking barrel here without the lock and stock, but it's a decent film none the less with pretty much everything you would expect from a typical Guy Ritchie gangsta film - London, criminals, sex and violence all tied together with far-fetched to-cool-for-school plots and characters, comedy/one-liners and a great soundtrack.The dark underbelly of London as shown by the film makers.
It’s not a bad film but not as good as Guy Ritchie’s first film Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.
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If you get past the violence there was some good humour in it.
does that make sense?
>>> just watch it.
Yet another in the long running series of cinematic mishaps for the sultry pop diva, Swept Away (2002) survived a mere fortnight in stateside theaters before being relegated a straight to video release in Ritchie's native England.
And though his next two films, Revolver (2005) and RocknRolla (2008), failed to hit big at the box office, 2009 found the visionary director scoring the biggest hit of his career with Sherlock Holmes.
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Though many viewed Snatch as a simple carbon-copy of his previous success, the film nevertheless retained the giddy energy and humor that had made Lock, Stock so successful and found both Pitt and Del Toro at their quirky best. It allowed you to concentrate on the plot developments, acting, and characters, all of which were good.
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I happened to like Gerrard Butler's little dance moves in this.
Wed to Madonna in December of 2000, the duo would soon find themselves working together while collaborating on a remake of the 1974 Lina Wertmuller comedy Swept Away.
Born in England in 1968, Ritchie hails from a proudly working-class background and never attended film school.