Porém, isso ainda não indica que a ex-namorada de Joe esteja realmente viva, apenas que ela voltou para a mente do personagem. She just wants to write for a living and meet her soulmate.One of Beck's worst traits is her tendency to whine a lot. Music video by Beck performing Lost Cause. O Vejo Séries é um media tracker brasileiro, que ajuda você a controlar as séries que você vê, informando datas e episódios no Brasil e em outros países. In the first few episodes of season one, when Peach calls or has a crisis, Beck runs right over.When Beck starts to realize that there's more to Joe than she originally thought, she looks up everything that she can about Candace (Ambyr Childers).
She always feels sorry for herself, and this seems to be a major reason why she's so taken in by Joe, a man who she barely knows.Of course, Beck's sweet nature is what ultimately allows Joe to trap her and kill her in the glass cage in the basement of the bookstore.Beck tends to be influenced by other people, and Peach has the biggest hold on her. A one-stop shop for all things video games. It scares her that she likes Joe so much, and she self-sabotages.This quality of Beck's must be one reason why Joe likes her, because even though he treats her horribly and, of course, actually murders her, he does think that she has a lot of good things going for her.If Beck had seen through Joe earlier, she might still be alive. Even though things don't end well for her, she still goes with her gut and looks into a sketchy and dangerous situation. She sees through Joe's facade a little bit, although not enough to ultimately save herself.Beck is a fairly intuitive person and this is one of her best traits. She lives in Toronto with her husband.
Ao final da série YOU (Você), da Netflix, muita gente acabou choramingando pelo fim trágico da protagonista Beck, estudante, aspirante a escritora e namorada de Joe, gerente de uma livraria e stalker nato.
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The budding writer had so much potential, but she had her flaws too. Quando Joe a captura novamente na escada, a cena é cortada e vimos apenas os livros de Beck sendo vendidos no estabelecimento. No entanto, alguns detalhes passaram despercebidos pelos internautas, e podem fazer toda a diferença para interpretar o final desta … Ou seja, agora que Beck pode voltar, ele imagina que Candace também. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers This isn't a great trait to have, as it doesn't allow her to think for herself or see right through someone who is manipulating her.
Após as brigas e agressões de Joe e Beck no sótão da livraria, Beck consegue finalmente se livrar do rapaz e o prende na, mas não consegue fugir do lugar. Her writing talent helps her keep her eye on the prize of staying in school and trying to be successful, even when times are tough.Beck's childhood and home life are less than perfect, and this neglect means that she tries to find love and compassion with the wrong men.Beck is definitely a character with some ambition.
No entanto, o que escapou foi que em nenhum momento vimos Joe enterrando ou escondendo o corpo de Ron, padrasto de Paco, a quem também teria matado. É aí então que nos cogitar de que Beck estaria morta.
You: Beck’s 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Traits.
She can't really sustain a healthy relationship as she has never had one before.
Alguns minutos mais tarde, podemos ver Joe colocando um corpo dentro do porta-malas de seu vintage junto com uma caixa (que seria a mesma caixa encontrada pela estudante no apartamento do namorado). If she wasn't dreaming of success, she wouldn't be in school, and she wouldn't try her best to network and meet people in the NYC literary scene.Beck's desire to do well in life is one of her most positive qualities, and it helps cancel out some of the worst things about her. As the object of Joe Goldberg's obsession, Beck gets a raw deal on Netflix's You. do protagonista que até em seus momentos mais íntimos com Beck era assombrado por pesadelos envolvendo Candace. Isso nos leva a crer que, na verdade, o corpo colocado dentro do porta-malas e, posteriormente, encontrado pelos policiais não seria Beck, mas sim Ron, e que Beck não só estaria viva, mas voltaria na segunda temporada para atormentar Joe e dar início a uma vingança. (C) 2002 Geffen Records Neste caso, a ex-namorada de Joe estaria voltando aos sonhos e visões do personagem como forma de assombração e desordem mental. A less naive person would definitely think that he was weird from the moment that they met him and not even get involved with him at all, but unfortunately for Beck, she thought that he was just as sweet and innocent as she is.Aya Tsintziras writes about travel and pop culture. She loves coffee, barre classes, avocado, and watching TV.
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