Arduino Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled goto. Start here for a quick overview of the site Go Down. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Arduino Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino.
Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Apr 10, 2009, 03:44 am.
HOW TO USE GOTO STATEMENT IN ARDUINO - Page 2 Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project ... Goto is a prehistoric relict of the first and very limited BASIC interpreter languages from the nineteen-sixties. I can't follow what goes with what there.Yes, nasty piece of spaghetti code (really nicely said). It has little use on the arduino since you can't nest too deeply anyway.Calling exit(0); halts the whole system (the passed number does not matter).Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'safe' that I wasn't previously aware of.
keithg Guest; Loop exit. Arduino is using C/C++ as a programming language and you can use all grammer supported by the C/C++ language. Arduino Forum > Forum 2005-2010 (read only) > Software > Syntax & Programs > Loop exit; Print.
Google "C++ tutorial". Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including
Transfers program flow to a labeled point in the program Syntax .
Please format your code properly. Anybody can ask a question I'm plotting my first sketch and wondering what I can and can't do.It also has a facility called longjmp() which is mainly used to get out of a deeply nested subroutine because of an error.
I have bought "Programming Arduino" by Simon Monk - just haven't made it all the way through yet. However, *you* need to be careful since the Arduino has limited resources.C++ is not VBA.
Arduino Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino. And breaking from the inner loop of several deeply nested loops is also possible with a 'goto' jump. label: goto label; // sends program flow to the label Tip.
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Keith mentions the Nope, it uses the GCC C++ compiler in all its warts and glory. The use of goto is discouraged in C programming, and some authors of C programming books claim that the goto statement is never necessary, but used judiciously, it can simplify certain programs.
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Sign up to join this community "GOTO" is very handy on at least two occasions (1) when the code finds itself in a situation thought to impossible, it's an easy exit back to a debugging monitor and (2) when writing controllers with a large number of possible states, structured trees can become forests that are a lot harder to decode than "goto label" statements, and can save a lot of coding time.
It is (almost) never a good idea to use goto.Due to the misalignment of { and } I do not know what you exactly want to execute.Thanks for contributing an answer to Arduino Stack Exchange!