The Dictionnaire de l'Académie française is the official dictionary of the French language.. When a seat becomes vacant, a person may apply to the Secretary if she or he wishes to become a candidate. Academie Francaise, French literary academy, consisting of 40 members, established in 1634 by Cardinal Richelieu. Suppressed in 1793 during the French Revolution, it was restored as a division of the Institut de France in 1803 by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Composée de 40 académiciens

Rôle de mécénat, remise de prix littéraires.

Almost all of the prizes were created during the twentieth century, and only two prizes were awarded before 1780. Obviously, this is all done with the expectation that French speakers will take these new regulations into consideration, and in this way, a common linguistic heritage can theoretically be maintained among French speakers around the world. The robes cost around $50,000, and The Académie is France's official authority on the usages, vocabulary, and grammar of the French language.

The Académie Française, sometimes referred to as the French Academy, is the pre-eminent French council for matters pertaining to the French language. Décerne le Prix Goncourt - prix littéraire français récompensant des auteurs d'expression française, créé par le testament d'Edmond de Goncourt en 1892. The Académie Française, often shortened and simply called l'Académie, is an organization which moderates the French language.The primary role of the Académie Française is to regulate the French language by determining standards of acceptable grammar and vocabulary, as well as adapting to linguistic change by adding new words and updating the meanings of existing ones. Officially, the Article 24 outlines that "The primary function of the Académie will be to work, with all possible care and diligence, to give our language definite rules and to make it pure, eloquent, and capable of dealing with art and science. The Académie publishes a dictionary of the French language, known as the The Académie has published thirteen editions of the dictionary, of which three were preliminary, eight were complete, and two were supplements for specialised words.The Académie is continuing work on the ninth edition, of which the first volume (However, the Académie has also noted that anglicisms have been present in the French language since the 1700s, and has criticized the view that anglicisms present an "invasion" on the French language.

The Académie française is France's official authority on the usages, vocabulary, and grammar of the French language, although its recommendations carry no legal power. The first dismissal occurred in 1638, when Many notable French writers have not become members of the Académie Française. Candidates make their applications for a specific seat, not to the Académie in general: if several seats are vacant, a candidate may apply separately for each. For other uses, see This is the anglicized version of the name, with a capital

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In reality, this is not always the case. Alternatively, existing members may nominate other candidates.

Since a newly elected member is required to eulogize his or her predecessor in the installation ceremony, it is not uncommon that potential candidates refuse to apply for particular seats because they dislike the predecessors.New members are elected by the Académie itself.

The Académie Française intervened in June 2008, to oppose the French Government's proposal to constitutionally offer recognition and protection to regional languages (The current members of the Académie Française are:

Strangely, the dictionary is not sold to the general public, so the Académie's work must be incorporated into society by the creation of laws and regulations by the above-mentioned organizations. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our French Webquest: Online Research Project for French ClassThe 9 Best French Grammar Books for Language Learners of 2020Conjugate the French Verb 'Asseoir' ( to 'Seat Someone')Listening Comprehension and Practice Exercises for French Learners L'Académie française, institution créée en 1635, est chargée de définir la langue française par l'élaboration de son dictionnaire qui fixe l'usage du français. The Académie Française was created by Cardinal Richelieu under Louis XIII in 1635, and the first

It has existed to the present day, except for a period starting during the French Revolution. The secondary mission of the Académie Française is that of linguistic and literary patronage. A The new member is then installed at a meeting of the Académie. "French Academy" redirects here.

(The original members were appointed.)

The new member must deliver a speech to the Académie, which includes a Members remain in the Académie for life. Essentially a linguistic jury, the Académie française is a group of 40 peer-elected members, commonly known as "Académie Française, the Moderator of the French Language The Académie fulfills this mission by publishing an official dictionary and by working with French terminological committees and other specialized organizations.