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As regards your Mini Switch, I’ve since learned there are three versions of iterations of the switch, one with only single press, one with single and double press, and a third, with single, double, long press and shake, so it sounds like you have the 2nd iteration and it’s unlikely to be updated.I have a Roborock T6 that I run through the China server. Working great so far!I couldn’t get the Hub setup using the Aqara app at first. What should I choose Xiaomi Aqara or Xiaomi Gateway ? Did you find any solutions to this?I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to use Alexa, as both Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are blocked in mainland China. 3. In old Aqara Home App (v1.0.0) there was a parameter for this, in v1.0.1 it’s gone. The seller send me old version :/ its impossible to enable those features because its hardware functionality not software:/ I was just be cheated:/I have a Aqara hub with several temperature sensors. Sensor and app Mi Home recognise temperature below 0. Besides automation (defined within Aqara Home app) and history log are not available without logging in5. That's why today we're going to try to clarify these doubts and see the differences between them.It is incompatible with the second generation ZigBee sub-devices since a different protocol was used for its communication. They’re the only Homekit switches I’ve found that don’t require the neutral wire which is great here in England where houses don’t tend to have a neutral wire. Unfortunately I couldn’t pair the wireless wall switch that I also bought. The best home security camera Zigbee explained: Hubs, devices and everything you need to knowBest robot vacuum cleaners 2020: Roomba, Neato, Roborock and moreThe best smart plugs: Alexa, Google Assistant and HomeKit smart powerBest mesh Wi-Fi router 2020: The top mesh routers and systems for fast home Wi-FiThe best smart alarm clocks: start your day smarter Roborock is a Xiaomi-backed company, with an ever-increasing army of Roborock's most inexpensive smart robot vacuum is anything but cheap, however, offering unmatched value with a performance that belies its price tag. The key things to ensure are that the hub is getting the network details for a 2.4GHz signal only, and that you’re adding the right hub to the right server, so if your hub is Chinese, you should be using the Chinese Mainland Server, and a US hub with a US server etc. I want to know can the aqara hub be controlled by two Iphones.If you want to control the devices with the Aqara app, then any phone signed into the same account you Set up in the app will be able to control them. I’m sorry I can’t give you any better news than that right now.You are best to take the Homekit version of the Aqara Gateway and sell it on ebay, I just received the older version 2 Gateway and set it up in Homebridge, and every product I have purchased works and shows up in Homekit now, I even have the Alarm system setup and running in Homekit.Further more, when your switches are added to Homekit, it will add a virtual switch for each feature of the real switch, so you can remotely activate the switch (single, double or long press) from the Homekit app, this feature is not possible with the real Homekit version of the Gateway.There is also a whole lot more, I can control my Yeelights now with Homekit directly.These three Homebridge Plugins give you way more functionality for the V2 non Homekit Gateway.Either get a Rpi, Odroid or just run Dietpi in a VM and setup Homebridge, its totally worth the effort.I am retiring the Homekit Aqara Hub to a draw and I will leave it there until Xiaomi employ some real software coders to give there product similar features as the old Hub.I also recommend you guys, once you have any of the Xiaomi gear functioning how you want it, log into your router, assign a permanent ip to each of your Xiaomi wifi connected devices via their MAC address and then block those addresses from dialling out to the internet, as it is not needed, your Homekit hub does this instead (Apple TV, Homepod, Ipad), I have done this with every single IOT device I have as Homebridge will convert all of your IOT gear to local only, and Homekit will then convert everything back to IOT, but only through Apples Homekit, whom I trust far more than some unkown Chinese server.On a side note, Im not saying Xiaomi or Aqara or Miji whatever company has ill intentions, but one cant be sure these days and all of this gear like Wemo, Broadlink and countless other crap all want to dial home, and when the internet goes down, they stop functioning, the Ring doorbell comes to mind, when this happens, your wife looks at you like you are some sort of retard for bringing this so called smart (stupid) device home and replacing something that has worked fine for 20 years, like a light switch Appreciate the input. Question, any idea why I cant get the Mi app working now?It’s difficult to know for certain what the issue is, but unless you’ve already tried it, it may be better to reset the hub and add it directly to Mi Home, rather than try to move it over from the Aqara app. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.We’re always looking for enthusiastic HomeKit fans who would like to review the products they own and get their views on our site.If you’re interested, drop us a message using the Contact section of our site.