Whatever floats your boat I guess, as long as you're not sacrificing babies or anything. Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL) is an international temple dedicated to the Current 218 and its Anti-Cosmic Tradition of Luciferianism/Satanism. this is an extremely viewed thread relative to the post count. CHAOSOPHY.. nice.
The Temple is a manifestation of, and expression for, the adversarial, acosmic forces of the Nightside,
Before essentially disappearing from the internet, they changed their name to "Temple of the Black Light". Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL) is an international temple dedicated to the Current 218 and its Anti-Cosmic Tradition of Luciferianism/Satanism. Within our Order exists The Temple of The Black Light, which is dedicated to the channeling, manifesting and strengthening of this anti-cosmic impulse of the primal pandimensional force within the “Universe A”. (This post was last modified: 03-26-2013 02:15 PM by We therefore say that "The fires of Moloch burn before The Throne of Satan".
They were heavily associated with underground Swedish metal band Dissection, and virtually all search results concerning the organization that come up anymore are Dissection related. The Temple is a manifestation of, and expression for, the adversarial, acosmic forces of the Nightside, and represents a new, …
lol @ 3 to 350.. i thought that was pretty good back then. Most of these occult people are chaos worshippers. Right here is a rundown of a little known Luciferian group, that presents some different stuff than my not so well-read self is otherwise familiar with. The fires of Moloch are the final cleansing for "The Sitra Ahra Adept", before He/She gets to face The Master Satan/The First Head and The God of the Elevenfold Kliffot and Wrathful Kaos!This Anti-Cosmic transcending can only be reached through the awakening, strengthening and the raising of the Black Flame, or the Black Dragon, that lies dormant in the souls of the strongThis Anti-Cosmic transcending can only be reached through the awakening, strengthening and the raising of the Black Flame, or the Black Dragon, that lies dormant in the souls of the strong Temple of The Black Light e-V~£ Chaosophy I nvocations Lilith & Naamah Kagiri Ushumgal Draconian Setianism Rituals Incense Formulae Temple of The Black Light Publications Contact Updates Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL) is an international temple dedicated to the Current 218 and its Anti-Cosmic Tradition of Luciferianism/Satanism. Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL) is an international temple dedicated to the Current 218 and its Anti-Cosmic Tradition of Luciferianism/Satanism.