Remington Remington 280 Rem PRA280RA 140 gr Accutip Boat Tail 20 rounds.

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7mm Remington Mag. - Rating Required. — Power-Point Plus 150grs X7MMR1 Cartridge Type: Rifle Height: 2.54" Width: 0.473" Average FPS: 2896 Average Energy: 2793 Average Gr: 150 Recoil: 1.95 Power Rank: 4.34 of 20 The .280 Remington was designed in 1957 by Remington Arms Company for the 700 series rifles. The steel serious waterfowlers … — Partition Gold 160grs SPG7MAG 7mm Remington Mag. — Ballistic Silvertip 140grs SBST7 7mm Remington Mag. SKU: PRA280RA. This ammunition is new productin, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases. Review Subject Required. 1911 R1 10mm Hunter; 1911 R1 10mm Hunter Flat Dark Earth; 1911 R1 Carry; 1911 R1 Carry Commander; 1911 R1 Carry Commander CT; 1911 R1 Stainless; 1911 R1 Commander Use our ballistics tables below to find the velocity, trajectory, bullet weight, and more for your caliber and gun style. The semi-automatic 740 was the first rifle Remington used for the .280 factory loads with a psi of 48,000 to … If you want to know the specifics on how your ammo is firing, use Guide Outdoors ballistics charts and ammo charts to hit any target, anywhere! You’ll find 300 win mag ballistics, 308 ballistics, 30-06 ballistics, 223 ballistics, 243 ballistics, 30-30 ballistics and much more.Find all ballistics information in one spot and shop great deals on And it will make your experience a safer one! Welcome to the Sportsman’s Guide ballistic charts & ammo tables. Remington 280 Rem PRA280RA 140 gr Accutip Boat Tail 20 per boxRemington 280 Rem PRA280RA 140 gr Accutip Boat Tail 20 per boxGet the latest updates on new products and upcoming salesRemington Premier Ammunition offers the shooter a wide variety of premium bullet designs combined with strict manufacturing tolerances to create ammunition with which any shooter would be willing to take the shot of a lifetime.