0000002389 00000 n SiPass integrated includes all the access control features you would expect – such as DESfire encoding, support for fingerprint reading, time scheduling, manual system override, dynamic graphical status screen, instructional alarm 0000002246 00000 n It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. H�\�ˎ�@�� Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. SiPass integrated lets you manage all levels of access with a single user interface.SiPass integrated makes it easy to manage the large amounts of traffic flowing through your hospital and can combine low-security and high-security areas in a single platform.Address occupational health and safety concerns by controlling access to your manufacturing facility with SiPass integrated.

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0000125973 00000 n This page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. If you’re ready to learn more about how SiPass integrated can provide a high level of security without sacrificing convenience, contact your Siemens team today. 190 0 obj <>stream 0000111771 00000 n 0000013959 00000 n in stock AFO5200 8-Input/Output Module V24246-A2600-A1.

Address your needs Features 2 Siemens AB A6V10333471 Security Products 25.06.2012 Features Central controller for SiPass integrated access control systems Support for 500,000 cardholders Support for up to 96 doors Fully supported in SiPass integrated MP2.6 or higher, backwards compatible with MP2.4 and MP2.5 Up to six field level network (FLN) channels (RS485) for local device

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0 AC5200 SiPass integrated ACC-Lite V54507-C5-A1. 0000020213 00000 n 0000017908 00000 n The new version can be obtained from Siemens customer support or from authorized partners. Assign access rights, issue cards numbers, and communicate with the database system - all with ease.Because it manages very large amounts of access control traffic, airport security staff can easily and effectively monitor all security systems, at all times, with SiPass integrated.Managing a building with residential units, commercial spaces, and retail - all under one roof? in stock AFI5100 Input Point Module V6FL7820-8CB10. 0000002426 00000 n SiPass®integrated: flexible and reliable access control If you’re ready to learn more about how SiPass integrated can provide a high level of security without sacrificing convenience, contact your Siemens … 0000017555 00000 n The SiPass range of … home 156 35 USA The advanced functionality of SiPass integrated can help organizations overcome real-life challenges - whether you manage a single, low-rise building or an expansive enterprise with thousands of doors, gates, and elevators.Smart Buildings Deliver Safe and Secure Environments White PaperSIA Technology Insights Fall 2019 Article HE SecurityFive Keys to Know: Securing Your K12 School InfographicCreating a Safe, Secure K12 Learning Environment eBookSeven Keys to Know: Creating a Safe Higher Ed Campus InfographicSeven Keys to Know: Securing Your Healthcare Campus 0000003167 00000 n 0000014459 00000 n 0000017838 00000 n SiPass Integrated in stock SPC5330.320-L1 Intrusion CP,G3 V54541-C107-B100. 0000002540 00000 n Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. 0000008928 00000 n 0000002567 00000 n Это делает систему SiPass Интегрированный x�b```e``��N��@(�����q3�e��H�e!�3�V�~#�xl�A�?��\&2���6��2-rZa �Lz&[*[#��60�`>�PȰ�!����xIiF �` ��q Designed to meet access control requirements that range from non-critical to critical, and from simple to complex, SiPass integrated helps you create a safe environment for your employees, your assets, and your business. Anti-passback features, head counts, and mustering reports are included. 0000003634 00000 n xref