Then, talk about the map. ����w�(s�߯�ߙ��^?������CJTc:ͣ��z��@c;���к��v����������`R�׍�bē�?�7o��;4|��ߟ}���/װ޿����?�{����t��Ƴ���_겲fj�v��Rw_,��9{�M|��р��؆�ށ3h�����Pڠdj�‚�������$��PcC�@��H�������N���z�-�t����&�D3U� ����M�7o���1�?�'���%5E50c�MP�ʦ ¾�/p�{�� b�6EH��VX7���Q�A�����^��n#�6�0u�\�$%k�aV�8�Pz��P�v ܄���;=x�+|;���dp�=r�ީ�Q_>,M�t���D�|�_�e����`�uQk�[�͠xhQwe@V29Uu"��5A2S�����%�k���]dg�Dz� Understanding directions is a big part of this. … 1. I can say that is really important know how give a direction in the real word.

0 users have voted. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> We are going to do this playing “Guess where I am “game in pairs. Write the names of buildings and stores in the area. �z�v�N�;׎�a�$�c�XL ����#�vn��g�-�9V������%+�02�tXOa�~��D����y4}���#}�!���蹝L��\U�a�s-���L�ZSfҨ�����ũͣ�6�.�.�����j�Z7�S�� q{U������9 &z�A��K�b���:� [H��(ȇ'�4 �>]�!����A$�/ ��J o9A

(False)The form collects name and email so that we can add you to our newsletter list for project updates. “Directions Around Town 1” Back to Basic English Quizzes Pre-Listening Exercise . 4 0 obj ServerMateYT321 16 March, 2020 - 16:46. i use google maps if i get lost but if google maps doesn't wor then i ask someone. Whether you are on a sightseeing trip through Europe or backpacking in Australia, finding your way around the city while on vacation can be difficult unless you know what to say. 6x .

William stops Kate in the street to ask for directions on how to get to the train station.

Séquence anglais british stereotypes Stereotypes - Anglais LP - Pédagogie - Académie de Poitier . x�[Ko$�����Q:l���W��� A6 ���E+�n�+��:��� �C��Ud�=��̨��f��,��U��կJ���]���Z3u�U�еӤ�ٶ�Q/��'�����������o����'���:Յ7(5w_�w����O��Z7ӟi�gՏSk���kg��ӫVw��J�^�Щk����l��sk ���ef��|�`ܛ�vJ��u���ͿԟoUr�u�Qs�s]�i۫�;�zϦ|��������ZY�אַ�^+����_7����r�Fuu����9g #��L� (True)The school is between the bus station and the police station. 1 user has voted. SESSION 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In this session we are going to introduce directions (go straight, turn left, turn right, turn at the corner) with a power point using white board. Study the map. Then, listen to each sentence and choose TRUE or FALSE.

Windflower42 11 February, 2020 - 17:24. Conversation on asking for directions.
stream William: Excuse me, am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how I can get to the train station? %PDF-1.3 ��or��X�O �x�Ҏ��߬�%;0;3���[2MhN� eЩk�t�Q��KjAP=N� �Od 90�1"� >��\I�/xj�ſ_����H���vOӣ1Q�`j��Zh 8�?�FF��h��Js��:��Ei���5���.vF��le���Z���3.T΅Wb� pFR�)i�@i���y��6���r���h���=,��yҴW Stereotypes publié le 13/02/2011 - mis à jour le 08/06/2018 Our school has started a Comenius project, and you are going to welcome partners in two months. 4K��=�f� ���;$GC�K� ��#����]�Z ��䅱dN� We want they can give directions in a town (on in a map of it). Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture. Review the script to this listening activity at the bottom of the page.The bar is on the corner of West Street and South Street. Another idea is to find a map of a famous area or place in your city and tell a partner how to get there from other locations (for example, your home). Check out our Draw a neighborhood map of the area where you live (or a place you know well like a school or your work).

up. site Anglais English website séquence Anglais collège 6è 5è 4è 3è esl efl podcast listening videos English resources cahier de vacances apprendre anglais réviser SEGPA meilleur site d'Anglais au monde vocabulaire grammaire phonétique culturel méthodologie vocabulary grammar phonetics culture methodology coup de coeur big challenge red nose day le monde en VO dictionnaires … Log in or register to post comments; 2x . We are going to give them a picture of a town and … Kate: Yes no problem, it's that way. After the conversation is some useful tips on asking and giving directions. First you will have to introduce the names of various places but once your vocabulary introduction and practice has been completed, you can use … Log in or register to post comments; 1x . up. Let’s talk about directions! Séquence Directions - Grille d'auto-évaluation ... Présenter une saynète en anglais sur une leçon d'auto-école). Then look at the map and listen to the directions while you do the exercises. Look at the expressions below and be sure to understand the meaning of the … 7x . Preparation Do this exercise before you listen. turn left roundabout next to go past take the second left turn right opposite take the second right traffic lights go straight on ” Listening skills practice: Giving directions – exercises . Keeping walking straight ahead then after you …