Maeve Loadouts Paladinsguru *FREE* maeve loadouts paladinsguru MAEVE LOADOUTS PALADINSGURU Author : Dirk Herrmann E Squared By Pam Grout Key Takeaways Analysis Review Nine Do It Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your RealityCitadelAsterix And Obelix All At Sea Album 30Burial Rites Hannah KentFotografare La Moda Tecniche Trucchi E Segreti Per Entrare Nel … Decks for Tyra Create Deck. Browse champions and decks to find the best loadout for every champion! Frost giant. Paladins Guru had some very outdated loadouts on several of the DPS. Create and find decks for Paladins, a hero shooter developed by Hi-Rez Studios. I'm just wondering what the new meta loadouts are for supports.Check out loadouts by Vex, AndrewChicken (really good video on Corvus) and FrostFangs(Not the best player (as per this sub) but the loadouts are one of the best).I recommend you to play all new champions to level 10 so that you know what to expect if you find them in matchmaking.FrostFangs isn't considered a good player? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. On the ranked ladder, it's more popular and has a higher winrate. As I haven't played in a couple of seasons (and I am a support main) my loadouts will most likely be outdated. Lunge, Kinetic and Quiver are all good fillers. Disengage could be 4 or 5 (for Big Game). 1. It punishes autopilot and can put players in a more intentful mindstate.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castAn educational subreddit for Paladins (online team shooter game by Hi-Rez Studios). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Unfair Advantage is good filler if there's room.Mainly I've seen pros use her CDR upon kill as a snowball build. Toggle navigation. If you're instead asking about itemization, most supports, except for Seris, Io, and Furia run Chronos first, caut/haven/blast shields second. Shock and Awe and Air Blast are also fine for filler slots. I mean, every support has different cards, so it depends on the champion.

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Scapegoat is more often used in high tiers of play than lower ones since people are better able to aim at her exposed areas. Most are from PPL players like Rockmonkey, Hecate and Isbittenner, or are at least very similar to what pro's generally run for these characters.Different pro players adjust the ratios a little bit, but those are the 5 cards that are often used. Big Game has moreso been the meta; even with the nerfs it still won't be bad though.

Run Them Down is an excellent speed bonus, which considering how often Impaler Arrow goes off cooldown, combined with Wanderlust, gives him +45% movement. With the Flutter buff, we might need to add a Flutter-based deck to the list.This post looks like a giant wall of alphabet soup. 1. Her lifesteal card is a little bit less often used in PPL than on ladder because of Caut, but there are still PPL players who use 1-3 of it. You can always see popular loadouts on :0I mean, every support has different cards, so it depends on the champion. Paladins Guru had some very outdated loadouts on several of the DPS. What's Paladins? Unauthorized Use is also viable, but the reveal does give Strix utility which is probably why Hecate prefers Crack Shot. What's Paladins? You can always see popular loadouts on you're instead asking about itemization, most supports, except for Seris, Io, and Furia run Chronos first, caut/haven/blast shields second.You can always see popular loadouts on't the popular loadouts usually the default because a huge part of the playerbase doesn't change those?Personally I check the Pro loadouts and check the loadouts of a few (2 or 3) GMS on Paladin.gurus.Use the stickied Loadouts and Talents Discussion thread to share and request loadouts.I recommend just importing from vex30 since you are just starting out again, he is the support for Virtus.ProYeah I used his loadouts when I last played, they don't seem to have changed much though.An educational subreddit for Paladins (online team shooter game by Hi-Rez Studios). Compensator is fine if they help players with landing headshots, but are not mandatory.Movement speed at 5 is a must, but many of her other cards are good so it's personal preference. Check the sidebar for guides and resources.Press J to jump to the feed. Pretty please with sugar on top! For a Cardio build, we could see some DR or ammo while running cards in the filler slots. 1. Ancient Goddess. We have detailed discussions of champions, maps, strategies, meta, and esports.

Toggle navigation. Anything I left out?I’m not super familiar with the exact cards and levels damage players are using for their loadouts. These are a matter of personal preference.Hurl build would be something like 4 Dreadnought, 4 Mortal Skewer, 4 Dark Bargain, 2 Hangman's Ire, 1 Expansive Vault, but it's more of a fun build.

Roost build is for Sniper vs. Sniper, though the other build is moreso to help him against flanks.I took this build from Rockmonkey. Bomb King. There wasn't a single Big Game Cassie build, and that's kind of appalling, so I wrote these myself. Sort by: Rating | Date | Views. Comments on these builds.