Nom Type Spectre Puissance/ Précision PP Effet Ajout; Anti-Brume-15: Baisse l'esquive de la cible et retire les pièges des 2 côtés du terrain et les murs de protection du côté de l'adversaire Retire aussi les Champs: Bouclier Royal-10: Prend une posture défensive pour bloquer les dégâts.Diminue beaucoup l'attaque de tout Pokémon qui entre en contact avec le lanceur.
Damaging Z-Moves cannot be fully protected against by Z-Moves may be used without regard to the effects of Even if a status Z-Move fails, it still applies its Z-Power effect. La nature Timide permet de dépasser les Raffleisa adverse et certains Pokémon assez lent mais plus rapide sans la nature (Notamment Poltageist Adamant et Weezing Galar) Commentaire posté par AlphaNight le 20/02/2020 à 11:19 The origins of Z-Power are largely shrouded in mystery. In Triple Battles, Discharge damages all adjacent Pokémon. Friend Guard.
Description Overdrive fait des dégâts sans aucun effet supplémentaire. Il est la mascotte de Pokémon Blanc, associé à la symbolique du Yin, et le rival de Reshiram. Bienvenue sur la page spécialement dédié à l'ensemble des Attaques du Pokédex.Vous pourrez retrouver l'ensemble des Attaques de chaque génération, Attaques triées par ordre alphabétique.Des options de tri vous sont proposées ci-dessous. Tailwind. Similar to the games, Z-Moves are powerful moves that can be executed by a Pokémon that knows an appropriate move which corresponds to the type of Z-Crystal on the Trainer's Z-Ring.Z-Moves were first featured in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon in episode Alola to New Adventure!, where Kiawe and his Turtonator used Inferno Overdrive, with the help of Kiawe's Z-Ring and … Attention à ne pas utiliser les Pokémon qui ont des attaques spéciales liées aux événements comme les Community Day.
Games: Description: SWSH: The user attacks opposing Pokémon by twanging a guitar or bass guitar, causing a huge echo and strong vibration. When the attack gets more powerful, the yellow or blue static jolts off Eelektross's body.Shinx releases blue bolts of electricity from its body at the opponent.Luxray releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Voltorb releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Electrode releases one or multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Mareep releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Electrike releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Plusle releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Minun releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Stunfisk releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Helioptile releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Tapu Koko releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Charjabug releases a bolt of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.Alolan Golem creates sparks of yellow electricity around the rock in its cannon and then fires the rock at the opponent.Vikavolt releases multiple bolts of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.The user discharges electricity from its body, hitting everyone around it.Zebstrika releases multiple bolts of light blue electricity from its mane at the opponents around it.Luxray holds up its front two paws and releases a beam of electricity from each of them at the opponent, or Luxray points the tip of its tail at the opponent and it releases a beam of electricity from the star on the end of its tail at the opponent.Raichu releases electric sparks from its cheeks and it releases multiple beams of electricity from its body at the opponent.Static electricity comes off Electivire's body and surrounds the battlefield, shocking the opponent.Mega Manectric releases a beam of electricity from its mane the opponent.Static electricity comes off Magnezone's body and surrounds the battlefield, shocking the opponent.Porygon releases a surge of electricity from is body at the opponent.In the Pokémon Battrio: Aim to be Battrio Master mangaPikachu releases electricity from its body all over the battlefield.Luxray releases electricity from its body all over the battlefield.Electivire releases several electricity from the antennae at the opponent.In the Pocket Monsters Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King mangaZapdos waves one of its wings, releasing a wave of electricity from it at the opponent. However, information by There are three different kinds of Z-Moves: Z-Moves which can be used by any When using a Z-Move in the games, a special cutscene plays, first showing the Trainer performing a certain pose, before shifting to the Pokémon surrounding itself with its Z-Power and executing the Z-Move.
Fertilise le terrain, ce qui augmente l'Attaque et l'Attaque Spéciale des pokémon de type Plante.--10: Feu d'Enfer: Inferno: L'ennemi est entouré d'un torrent de flammes ardentes qui le brûlent.
Is the Pokémon protected by an ally's Aurora Veil? Tailwind. Reshiram et Zekrom ont été révélés le 28 mai 2010 sur le site officiel japonais de Pokémon Noir et Blanc. Has this Pokémon's power been boosted by an ally's Helping Hand? This cutscene cannot be deactivated, even if battle animations are turned off.
Zekrom (anglais : Zekrom ; japonais : ゼクロム Zekrom[1]) est un Pokémon légendaire de type Dragon et Électrik de la cinquième génération. Overdrive is an Electric-type move introduced in Generation VIII. Its body then becomes surrounded in yellow or blue static electricity that starts at its mouth and flows down to its tail, shocking the opponent.
Les capacités sonores constituent une catégorie spécifique : la plupart touchent plusieurs Pokémon et elles ne sont pas affectées par Clonage, elles activent l'objet Spray Gorge, elles voient leur puissance augmentée par Punk Rock mais sont en contre-partie affectées par ce même talent qui réduit leur puissance, ainsi que par Anti-Bruit qui les annule.