#define SET_DAC 0X17//data is needed 00 start DAC OUTPUT;01 DAC no output Serial MP3 player module, MP3 player, Serial, module, UART Control, MP3 Music Player Module for Arduino, AVR, ARM, PIC, 3 MB. How to use this inexpensive device with your Arduino?Into the setup function we need to select the proper device for TF and give it time to settle (asynchronous process magic):In the loop, I did a simple play the song labeled as 001:As they say in the datasheet with a really bad English:On the datasheet we can see the power supply can vary 3,2 up to 5vElectronic engineer and sparky person. It provides a simple and low cost way to add MP3 tune playback to any PICAXE project. delay(1000000);//the programm will send the play option each 100 seconds to the catalex chip You can send commands now. arduino uno, mp3 module, and my extremely white fingers#define ARDUINO_RX 5//should connect to TX of the Serial MP3 Player module delay(500);//Wait chip initialization is complete alphabetically indexed, so if we create folders with the names 01, 02. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The MP3 audio files (music, speech etc.) All rights reserved. You can also debug the module via USB to UART module. A total of four pins (GND, VCC, TX, RX), GND to ground, VCC is the power supply, TX is the TX pin of the MP3 chip, RX is the RX pin of the MP3 chip.TF card socket: The micro sd card can be plugged in it.Playbck indicator: Green light. #define CMD_PLAY_W_INDEX 0X03 //DATA IS REQUIRED (number of song) library for Serial UART MP3 Player module (Red). The MP3 chip undestands orders made of int array[8] with this format:the first and the last int are fixed with 0x7E and 0xEF valuesbb is the actual control command listed in the previous pointAnd this is the actual function which builds the array. sendCommand(CMD_PLAY_WITHVOLUME, 0X0F01);//play the first song with volume 15 class We just need to choose one of the Send_buf[2] = 0x06; //the number of bytes of the command without starting byte and ending byte //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ARDUINO_RX 5//should connect to TX of the Serial MP3 Player module #define ARDUINO_TX 6//connect to RX of the module SoftwareSerial … #define DEV_TF 0X02 //HELLO,IM THE DATA REQUIRED It is compatible with Arduino/AVR/ARM/PIC.Control interface: It is UART TTL interface. If playing, it blinks.Headphone jack: It can be connected with the headphone or external amplifier.Mounting holes: 4 screw mounting holes whose diameter is 2.2mm, so that the module is easy to install, easy to combine with other modules.You can find the datasheet of YX5300 chip (Chinese) The following picture shows the needed connections with the Arduino Uno Include library code. mySerial.begin(9600);//Start our Serial coms for our serial monitor! The list of specific commands is in section 4.1 of Serial MP3 player manual. And songs with the name . Please like our page on Facebook below and share. #define PLAY_FOLDER 0X17// data is needed 0x7E 06 17 00 01 XX EF;(play the 01 folder)(value xx we dont care) sendCommand(CMD_SEL_DEV, DEV_TF);//select the TF card Contribute to ioxhop/OPEN-SMART-RedMP3 development by creating an account on GitHub. Choose which Arduino pins are going to be attached to the mp3 player and initialize the serial protocol.All the commands needed are in the manual. It can support 8kHz ~ 48kHz sampling frequency MP3 and WAV file formats. There is a TF card socket on board, so you can plug the micro SD card that stores audio files. is the actual control command listed in the previous pointAnd this is the actual function which builds the array. Enter the command [Select device] in Set multi char tab DATA field - "7E FF 06 09 00 00 02 EF" first. The SPE035 Serial MP3 player consists of a small MP3 player module mounted on a PCB with serial connector, test switches and 8 ohm speaker. #define SET_CYCLEPLAY 0X19//data is needed 00 start; 01 close Recommended formats: PDF, RTF, DOC, ODT. We will learn how to connect Serial MP3 player module to Arduino board and use it.The module is a kind of simple MP3 player device which is based on a high-quality MP3 audio chip YX5300. Press the Open Com button to open communication. #define ARDUINO_TX 6//connect to RX of the module