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Par défaut, LabVIEW gère automatiquement toute erreur qui survient lors de l'exécution du VI en interrompant l'exécution, en mettant en évidence le sous-VI ou la fonction où l'erreur s'est produite et en affichant la boîte de dialogue d'erreur. Undefined error cod… © National Instruments Corporation 7 LabVIEW Error Codes –1073807302 VI_ERROR_INV_SETUP Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state).
A stack overflow occurred. Refer to the This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. You can request repair, schedule calibration, or get technical support. The LabVIEW built-in error codes ship with specific error code ranges. To avoid this, make sure that LabVIEW is running and not stopped in the background of your test program. You also can contact National Instruments technical supportfor assistance with undefined error codes. LabVIEW can be closed manually by the user, programmatically with the Quit LabVIEW VI, or automatically by the Operating System in the event of a LabVIEW crash. A valid service agreement may be required.⯠Check any other open applications - make sure that they close the file before LabVIEW opens it. To correct this error, restart LabVIEW and review your code for … 3. We can help you get started. −1073807346: … You can create and define a custom error code yourself. A valid service agreement may be required.⯠Provides support for NI data acquisition and signal conditioning devices.⯠Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments.⯠Provides support for NI GPIB controllers and NI embedded controllers with GPIB ports.⯠LabVIEW VIs and functions and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Undefined errors can occur for many possible reasons. Chaque erreur possède un code numérique et un message d'erreur correspondant. Learn more about our What would you like to do? 1. Undefined errors might occur if a description does not exist for the error code.
Error 8 can occur for various reasons including file permissions or VI settings. Reportez-vous à la This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. A valid service agreement may be required.â¯
You can, however, define custom error codes using the following ranges:-8999 through -8000; 5000 through 9999; 500,000 through 599,999… We can help you get started. The following are some suggestions and ideas for ways to identify and handle undefined errors. Pour corriger cette erreur et incorporer le code du sous-VI , supprimez le nœud de propriété ou de méthode implicite. Each error has a numeric code and a corresponding error message. –1073807300 VI_ERROR_ALLOC Insufficient system resources to perform necessary memory allocation.
An undefined error might occur if you wire a number that is not an error code to an error code input. You can request repair, schedule calibration, or get technical support.
2. If LabVIEW is crashing, try to replicate the crash outside of the TestStand environment. You can request repair, schedule calibration, or get technical support. We can help you get started.What would you like to do? Code Description −1073807360: Erreur système inconnue (erreur diverse).
A valid service agreement may be required.⯠Provides support for NI data acquisition and signal conditioning devices.⯠Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments.⯠Provides support for NI GPIB controllers and NI embedded controllers with GPIB ports.⯠Les fonctions et VIs LabVIEW et les propriétés et méthodes du VI Serveur peuvent renvoyer les codes d'erreur suivants. LabVIEW ne peut pas incorporer le code du sous-VI dans celui du VI appelant car le diagramme du sous-VI contient un nœud de propriété ou de méthode implicite. You can request repair, schedule calibration, or get technical support. By default, LabVIEW automatically handles any error when a VI runs by suspending execution, highlighting the subVI or function where the error occurred, and displaying an error dialog box. If you have manually opened the file - make sure you close it before you run your program. Learn more about our What would you like to do?