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Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: It’s up to you!And of course, if you want to keep it more literary, you can also find inspiration in novels, short stories, and poetry, not to mention song lyrics.What I like about this link in particular is that it includes poems from many different eras, not just the 19th century (the era when many of the best-known French poets wrote).There is another way to declare your love, for a loved one or yourself: a tattoo.If the quotes at the start of this article didn’t quite inspire you, here are a few other suggestions for a French love quotation tattoo, Note that if you want the “loved” to agree with a female subject, you have to add an extra “e” to aimé, like so: Pour être aimée, aime.This is a play on a somewhat famous anonymous quotation, Je t’aime, c’est ma plume qui te l’écrit (I love you, it’s my pen which writes it).You can find more French love quotes for tattoos by doing a search for “citations d’amour pour tatouage”.And if you’d like to learn more French vocabulary related to love, check out Feel like you’re an expert on romance in France? Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Prochainement You can read about her adventures Love is so beautiful… So much more when expressed in French!French Love quotes are a beautiful thing, one of my favorites is very popular “le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas”, classic, incredible!On ne badine pas avec l’amour – Don’t trifle with love/Love is serious business.Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche – to live on love alone (literally: to live on love and cool water.Un peu, beaucoup, à la folie – He/She loves me, he/she loves me notOn ne badine pas avec l’amour – Don’t trifle with love/Love is serious business.Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche – to live on love alone (literally: to live on love and cool water.Un peu, beaucoup, à la folie – He/She loves me, he/she loves me not
Usage Frequency: 2 Last Update: Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: Pinterest. Usage Frequency: 1 Last Update: A bord de la croisière Jazz’ en mer, six individus se croisent.
Susan Graham - C'est Ca La Vie C'est Ca L'amour - CD (Your kisses are like fires that illuminate the hollow places inside of me. Très alléchant au niveau du scénario, une belle croisière, un beau film !Vive l'amour du cinéma...