Questo dispositivo garantisce una gestione istantanea della musica e l'attivazione di scenari per chiunque si trovi nell'abitazione.

BTicino Spa - Viale Borri 231, 21100 Varese - Capitale sociale 98.800.000 i.v. Utilizzabile come singolo player di zona oppure come player aggiuntivo per estendere il tuo impianto.Amplificatori audio stereo di qualità Hi-Fi in"Classe D"Permettono l’ascolto del programma musicale preferito in ogni ambiente della casa Player di zona wireless o via cavo per gestire tutte le stanze contemporaneamente o personalizzare la musica in ogni ambiente.

Scegli la sorgente musicale che vuoi, la playlist, il volume e tutto quello che ti serve per un momento di assoluto relax.Per chi vuole la massima integrazione, il Touch Screen a parete è il centro di controllo di tutte le funzioni della propria casa: anche della musica. classe 100 v12e. Kit Audio 2 fils Sprint CK2 / Ref Bticino : 363011 Ce Kit Audio 2 Fils Sprint CK2, de la marque BTicino, permet de dialoguer avec une personne qui patiente à l’entrée de votre habitation. Microinterruptor para función Slave / Master 1. Bticino Flatwall 3780 Kit Audio White. Classe 100 A12M, A12C. classe 100 x12b. The combination between entrance panel and audio internal unit starts from the basic versions (366811 – 366821) up to the new versions (364231 – 364232) with Linea 3000 entrance panel and new Classe 100 internal units. For the use by people with disabilities, the recommended installation height is 135 – 140 cm (top wire), unless different regulations are specified.The entrance panel camera must not be installed facing of light sources or in locations where the area being shot in backlit.The global specialist for the electric and digital infrastructures of the buildingBased on the privacy, BTicino SPA, with headquarters in Varese Viale Borri 231, informs all users that this website don't use cookies for profiling and sending advertising messages based on the navigation history. From the field of low-voltage electrical equipment for living, working and production spaces, to integrating solutions for communication (audio and video door entry systems) and lighting control, sound distribution, climate and safety, Bticino has created and diffused a culture of technological design projects that integrate aesthetics, comfort and extreme attention to the use of materials. Extensible jusqu’à : - max. Renewed and compact range composed by four kits (three handset kits and one hands-free kit). Audio Kit 368121. Kit audio Poste de rue Linea 3000 apparent avec Classe 100 A12M .

BTicino 332353 Videocitofono Aggiuntivo 7 Pollici Effetto Specchio per Kit Videocitofonici 2 Fili, 2,6 x 23,8 x 16,7 cm 4,4 su 5 stelle 66 136,21 € 136,21 € - R.I. Varese and Fiscal Code 10991860155 - R.E.A. Kit audio mains libres ... BTicino (Legrand group) Kouterveldstraat 9 Extensible jusqu’à : - max. Kit portier audio CK2. Con l'impianto audio Nuvo per la casa controlli e diffondi le tue canzoni preferite in ogni ambiente e da qualsiasi sorgente. Le kit constitue la solution la plus économique et la plus pratique pour l'installation de votre Souhaitez-vous venir jeter un coup d'oeil au Concept Store ? From the field of low-voltage electrical equipment for living, working and production spaces, to integrating solutions for communication (audio and video door entry systems) and lighting control, sound distribution, climate and safety, Bticino has created and diffused a culture of technological design projects that integrate aesthetics, comfort and extreme attention to the use of materials.BTicino's collection today is based on a system of home & building automation where each component is designed to simplify and make managing everyday activities more flexible and economical.By signing up, you have given us consent to send you the latest information on Legrand.

As additional internal unit you can use any of the range.BTicino Spa - Viale Borri 231, 21100 Varese - Share capital 98.800.000 i.v.