He later caused minor damage to a Banque de France branch by setting that alight.He told French news channel LCI that Mr Griveaux was only the first politician that he would target: he had only just begun, he claimed. Mr Villani described the "outrageous attack" on Mr Griveaux and his family as a serious threat to French democracy.Ms Hidalgo, the current Socialist mayor, is leading in the polls, ahead of Republicans candidate Rachida Dati.Mr Macron came to power in 2017 and his new LREM party secured a majority in the National Assembly. De aanleiding is de verspreiding van een zeer expliciete seksvideo. Benjamin Griveaux, kandidaat voor het burgemeesterschap van Parijs, heeft zijn campagne per direct gestopt. Benjamin Griveaux maakt bekend dat hij zich terugtrekt. I'm not prepared to expose my family and myself any more when all these attacks are allowed.
Anne Hidalgo, de huidige burgemeester van de Franse hoofdstad, ligt daarin aan kop, voor de Republikeinse kandidaat Rachida Dati en Griveaux.De commotie rond Griveaux is een flinke tegenslag voor president Macron en zijn LREM-partij, die de laatste tijd meermalen voor zijn protégé in de bres is gesprongen. "I don't like people mixing up political life with people's privacy," said MP Alexis Corbière.
As he bowed out, Mr Griveaux said no-one should be subjected to such a "torrent of mud" "Dit gaat veel te ver. "Mr Griveaux's lawyer said he would press charges over the publication of the video, which he said violated the right to a private life.Mr Pavlensky, who says he posted the video online, first gained notoriety by nailing his scrotum to Moscow's Red Square in 2013. These are external links and will open in a new window It then alleged that Mr Griveaux had exchanged intimate mobile phone messages with a young woman and sent her a personal video. "Mr Griveaux was not favourite to win the mayoral race in March, but he has been a very close ally of the president and his political demise is inevitably an embarrassment for the president, the BBC's Hugh Schofield reports from Paris.He was trailing in third place, his campaign hampered by a dissident Macronite candidate called Cédric Villani. Lawyer Marie-Anne Soubré told a French talk show she was sick to her stomach that France had got to this point.
""Al meer dan een jaar worden mijn familie en ik geteisterd door lasterlijke verklaringen, leugens, anonieme aanvallen, de onthulling van geheime privégesprekken en doodsbedreigingen," zegt hij in de verklaring.
"To what new low have we fallen in public life that anyone is prepared to publish this kind of thing to bring down politicians? These are external links and will open in a new windowA sex video has ended French ruling party candidate Benjamin Griveaux's hopes of becoming mayor of Paris.The ex-spokesman for President Emmanuel Macron's government, who was already trailing in the race, was apparently targeted by a Russian protest artist accusing him of hypocrisy. "No-one should be subjected to such abuse," said Mr Griveaux, 42.The video, showing a man in a compromising position, quickly spread on social media late on Thursday.Petr Pavlensky, who sought asylum from Russia in 2017, said he had posted the video online.Opponents from across the political spectrum voiced their outrage. Overigens is de authenticiteit van de video nog nergens bevestigd.In een verklaring zegt Griveaux dat hij zich per direct terugtrekt uit de race om het burgemeesterschap en veroordeelt hij de 'verachtelijke aanvallen'. Taddeo (29), die Russisch spreekt, en Pavlenski werden zaterdag aangehouden voor verhoor. Hij zegt zijn familie daaraan niet bloot te willen stellen. This goes too far
Benjamin Griveaux, French President Emmanuel Macron's preferred candidate for Mayor of Paris, said on Friday he had decided to withdraw his candidacy ... amp video_youtube devdiscourse.com Feb 14 bookmark_border Far-right leader Marine Le Pen suggested that for the sake of democracy Mr Griveaux should perhaps not have resigned.Prime Minister Edouard Philippe expressed his support for his former colleague and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner went further, warning that publishing videos without the author's consent was an offence punishable by a significant fine and up to two years in jail.The video appeared on a little known website that featured a profile of Mr Griveaux's political ambitions and his "fanatical faith in family values".
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