Add To Cart. The purpose of this stun grenade is to attract the enemies attention, or to disable them for a short period of time in order to breach their defense without “killing” anyone in the room. SKU: 613751. This makes for a great sound grenade for Milsim Airsoft events!

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Tag Innovations FBG-6 3.5 Second Timed Grenade Tag Innovation FBG-6, 3.5 second .. £119.99 .


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Tag Innovations Fate Dual Purpose Impact or 6 Seconds Timed Projectile x 25 - Just Cause Airsoft.

6 chemin du four à chaux,   TAG Innovation's revolutionary range of grenades and launchers for training and tactical war games, have made a big impact in the airsoft community and are favoured by Mil-Sim players.

The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. Tag Innovations FBG - Sound Hand Grenade (x20) (FBG6X20) Additional Information.


It may also be used as a frag grenade simulator where fragmentation projectiles are not allowed.The grenade will not detonate if you just pull out the pin, but 3.5 second after you will release the safety lever (happens when you throwing grenade).All parts, includes safety lever, made of extremely safe polyurethane material and cant harm anyone who properly equipped for the game or training.

ZA des violettes


FBG-6 Sound Hand Grenade An FBG-6 grenade from Tactical Game Innovation is a completely new quality on the market. Add To Cart.

AFG - 6 - Hand Grenade (Pack of 50 - non US customers only) MAP $ 450 .

In stock. TAG-67 Hand grenade (Pack of 6) MAP $ 76 .

It is perfectly suits "hostage rescue" scenarios.

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These Airsoft pyrotechnic grenades may  be used at authorized/sanctioned fields and locations.By purchasing these items the customer agrees to not violate any of the following:

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