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für mit Silverlight aktivieren (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer) – so geht's
In the IE Tab, input the web address of the page that contains Silverlight content. Silverlight is installed and able to run, but Chrome just doesn´t run it automatically. By default, Silverlight is no longer supported by Chrome. To allow Chrome to run Silverlight, you need to enable NPAPI (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface) in User Interface settings. Instead it has to do with Chromium–based browsers like Google Chrome and Opera. If all goes well, you should now see “Microsoft Silverlight” from “Microsoft Corporation” in the add-ons you have loaded.Click on the Silverlight add-on and in the lower right corner on “Enable”. This ietabhelper file is needed to display Internet Explorer in Google Chrome. In order to enable the Silverlight plugin, first of all, you need to enable NPAPI support again in Chrome, to do this, follow the steps below (and the Microsoft Silverlight plugin itself should already be installed on the computer). However, Microsoft will support Silverlight until October 2021, so in Internet Explorer will continue to work well. To identify which of these issues is affecting you, try running ICMIZER and see what appears on your browser screen, then follow the appropriate instructions. Seems at this moment, 3/20/19 that we have to use Firefox to use services like Netflix… or revert to Safari 11We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You will need to install a browser extension for this. Starting with Chrome Version 42, the Silverlight plugin is blocked by default and doesn´t run – until you change certain browser settings. Since then, no Silverlight plug-in has been developed for Microsoft Edge.Google Chrome and Firefox also stopped supporting Silverlight, Google terminated support for Silverlight in Chrome in September 2015, and Mozilla for Firefox in March 2017.Microsoft will continue to support Silverlight version 5 with updates and bugfixes until October 2021, after that it will stop and many websites will have to switch to HTML5 technology to offer their content. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig. Für diese aktiviert ihr Silverlight so: Kopiert folgende Zeile in die Adressleiste von Chrome und drückt die Eingabetaste: chrome://settings/contentExceptions#plugins Copied. Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor, um dieses Problem unter 42 bis 44-Versionen von Chrome zu umgehen: Geben Sie auf der Adressleiste Chrom Chrome://flags/#enable-npapi. Download and install Silverlight on your computer. Copy URL into your reader . Last Updated: 21 Dec 2015. The IE tab extension for Google Chrome is now installed in Google Chrome. Click the Add extension button. Silverlight DRM is still widely used to play TV content and is designed as an alternative to Adobe’s outdated Flash Player.However, Silverlight is also outdated and hardly ever used in websites to play media content, other than tv content or live streams. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf.
So geht es in alten Browser-Versionen:Hilf uns, besser zu werden und teile uns bitte mit: After that, you will need to disable automatic updates in Firefox. Diskutiere auch gerne mit uns Open the Websites tab and in Plug-ins activate Silverlight for the desired web page.In Safari version 12, for Mac Mojave 10.14 you will notice that the Silverlight plug-in is not available. In the upper right corner of Internet Explorer, you will find the wrench icon, this is the menu. Last Updated: Dec 21, 2015. Upgrade to Google Chrome 42 (or the latest version up to Chrome 44). Click on the file it will be installed automatically.In the navigation bar of the rendered Internet Explorer in Google Chrome, you now go to You are now asked if you want to install Silverlight on your computer. Third-party information disclaimer. Click on the Silverlight add-on and in the lower right corner on “Enable”. Now the Silverlight plug-in for Internet Explorer is activated. Silverlight in Chrome aktivieren Um Silverlight auch in Chrome zu aktivieren, gehen Sie nach den folgenden Schritten vor. Yes No . Was this information helpful? You can also remove the IE Tab extension this way by clicking Remove from Chrome.Unfortunately, after version 56 of Firefox, it is no longer possible to install Silverlight in Firefox.
You can install Silverlight for Safari version 11 by going to the following web page, Download Silverlight to your Mac and install Silverlight by following the installation process. To get Silverlight issues in Chrome, follow the instructions below
To allow Chrome to run Silverlight for a particular site, follow one of these two solutions. From Chrome 42 onwards it wasn’t possible to enable those plugins. Gezien het feit dat er een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid inhoud is gemaakt met behulp van deze technologie op het internet, is het probleem nogal actueel (en het gebruik van verschillende browsers afzonderlijk is niet de meest optimale oplossing).