Wont Be Long tab

City of New Orleans chords. Dealing card games with the old men in the club car, Penny a point, ain't no one keeping score.

(Chorus) G D G Nightime on the City of New Orleans, Em C G Changing cars in Memphis Tennessee. D I'm the G train they call the D City of New Em Orleans, I'll be C gone five hundred D miles when the day is G done. G D Em Em7 A7/C# I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans.

Epilogue tab

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Bm G D A7 Sayin' don't you know me?, I'm your native son D A Bm A E7 I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans C G A D I'll be gone 500 miles when the day is …


Some of the chords might be a little off, because apart from the opening D chord I got the rest entirely by ear. A7 D A Bm E7 I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans C G A D I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done. I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans, I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done. G D G Half way home, we'll be there by morning, Em D G through the Mississippi darkness rolling … Stealin chords

Tab 1 Please explain why did you choose such low rating for this tab. In Times Like These chords # #-----## From gil@asterix.lbl.gov (Gil Rivlis) … comments; City Of New Orleans Chords Highlighted Show chords diagrams #-----PLEASE NOTE-----# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. Last updated on 03.21.2014 D A D Ridin' on the City of New Orleans Bm G D Illinois Central Monday mornin' rail D A D There's 15 cars, and 15 restless riders Bm A D 3 conductors and 25 sacks of mail Bm F#m All along a southbound oddyssey, and the train pulls out of Kankakee A E And rolls along past the houses, farms and fields Bm F#m Passin' towns that have no name, and freightyards full of old grey men A A7 D The graveyards of … Sounds great hybrid- or Travis-picked.On the lines ending with a 'D', you should alternate with Dsus2/4,but for ease of reading I have not explicitly tabbed those out.----------------------------------------------------------------------I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done.Dealin' card games with the old men in the club car.I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done.©1970, 1971 EMI U Catalogue, Inc and Turnpike Tom Music (ASCAP) Riding on the city of New Orleans Illinois central Monday morning rail Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders Three conductors and twenty five sacks of mail. Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. Chords 1 To remove this song please click here.