255 Pages. Add new page. For example, a hero with War God (15% at 2/8) who is affected by Ares' Frenzy (30% at 2/5) and the Druidic Energetic Skill (20% at 2/10) would do 1.15 x 1.3 x 1.2 = 1.8 times or 80% more damage, not 65% more damage. Damage reduction is also multiplied which makes it less effective when combined, for example a Paladin with Stone Skin (25% at 5/8) and Divine Shield (75% at 6/10) will take 0.25 * 0.75 = 0.19 damage which is 81% damage reduction, not 100% damage reduction. As you can see, a Ninja for instance with 800 ms delay at base gets no benefit from berserk until 6/8. If he dies in less than 1 second (1000ms), his skill will never proc even at 5/5 revitalize. I hope you can get it updated soon, because I really like the way you break it down and simplify things…Thanks I hope I find the time in the next weeks to do that yes please…I am in desperate need of help..also..no boogeyman? Soul Healer; Level Notice Promote Level Magic Duration Cooldown Might; 1: Increases HP by 4% and CRIT Resist by 15%. True Piety - Deal True DMG equal to 50% ATK to target twice when attacking (CD 3s). Here you will find the heroes you really want to have in Castle Clash. They are all pretty much equal in strength and I don’t think that there’s a big difference which one you use for reviving. And they have nothing on Pumpkin Duke. They are all pretty much equal in strength and I don’t think that there’s a big difference which one you use for reviving. Convert all DMG taken into HP for 1s when attacked. It should be noted that Pumpkin Duke's speed buff does stack so even a berserk level below the point of reaching the next 200 ms interval may, with Celebrate, reach a 200 ms interval that the hero normally could not reach with just the Celebrate buff. You can build him with crit, extra damage or raise his health or defense and build him to be anything you want and he will be superior in this role.So, she deals outstanding damage and with her damage cap she is actually also durable so she will help you a lot in all game modes in Castle Clash as a true hero killer.Oh, and I forgot. Also reduces their Energy regain rate (from normal attacks and receiving damage only) by 25% and removes their buffs for 4s. Tons of heroes in Castle Clash will give you the hard choice which ones are the best to use and more important, which ones you should really work on upgrading that is time-consuming and expensive.I decidedd to put here the most-useful ones, so every hero you find on this page is worth using and working on without any doubt Here you will find the heroes you really want to have in Castle Clash.Zephyrica deals great damage, can be a great base defender, deals the damage to multiple targets with a nice auto-procc.

An update seems to be in order! Talent Compendium: True Piety. A Cupid, Pumpkin Duke and Druid with 4/10 skill each will increase attack of all heroes by 95% when working together and by 153% when they all have 7/10 skill. Zephyrica deals great damage, can be a great base defender, deals the damage to multiple targets with a nice auto-procc. Online. Cooldown: X secs.5/5 revitalize doesn't make the hero proc immediately. 5 sec.

Still, in the Top 10 of my tier list for Castle Clash heroes.I have them here in one spot because they do relatively the same role to your team and this is a really important role – reviving. Only the higher level talent will activate when the Crest Talent is the same as the Hero Castle Clash | Talent Compendium Forum IOS Forum Facebook Google Play Bulletin Board Download It’s possible to guide away from the freezing with small troops that makes it possible to exploit Boreal Fox and also coming too close to enemies can lead to a sudden death.Valiant Saintress can break damage caps, has an interesting healing mechanic and has good damage reduction that make her quite viable in many situations.Unlike other heroes lower in this tier list she will not get smashed within seconds what makes her really stand out so put some damage reduction on her and you have a hell of a hero that can slice through enemy heroes in one shot.If you look for a hero with DPS and dealing a lot of damage, Gunslinger should be your choice. 252. Still I didn’t want to have him here at all so I have him still in the list of top heroes here in my tier list for Castle Clash.Lots of the newer talents aren’t mentioned here.

More damage on same time and boost for skills, make heroes more dangerous. Cooldown: ? An update seems to be in order! Still, all of them are really nice.Pumpkin Duke makes it possible to actually master several situations in Castle Clash as the magic engine behind the team with the strong buffs.I wasn’t sure where to put him here on the list because the stronger your heroes, the stronger his buffing and vice versa. Talent description for lvl 1 and lvl 2 not available.Increases and reductions multiply together. A level 6 Hero Trial wave of 18 Cupids, assuming they all have 7/10 skill at level 130, will increase each other's attack by a total of 42588% if they all use Cupid's Arrow together.