Winner of Glory 38 Chicago in 2017, Super Champion in the 75 kg category at the 2016 Thai Fight, Grand Prix Champion at the 2011 Muay Thai World Championships, and holder of the X-One Belt in Thailand in 2006, he often appears in the main rankings of the World Boxing Council, Glory Kickboxing (the world’s largest kickboxing organization) and Supreme Striking, among others. Muay Thai represented and served as a real means of integration for the Pinto brothers, who were the only Westerners in their school at the time. Camp d'entrainement boxe thai en thailande, camp Muay Thai – 301 GYM - 2020Le camp est situé a Sam Roi Yot “300 Sommets” a juste trois heures de route de Bangkok. For just £5+vat you can enjoy access to The Handbook directory for 21 days. Speaking Thai fluently and having lived in Thailand for almost fifteen years, he has conquered the hearts of his adoptive compatriots who worship this ancestral discipline.301 Muay Thai is located in Sam Roi Yot “300 peaks,” and is only a three hour ride from Bangkok. 536.4k Followers, 465 Following, 945 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from อองตวน ปินโต (@antoine_pinto) View the profiles of people named Antoine Pinto. Ils ont fini par progresser et par se faire remarquer par de grands promoteurs à Bangkok, ce qui a permis de lancer leur carrière sportive professionnelle.
Antoine Pinto नाम के लोगों की प्रोफ़ाइल देखें. Chippy Sirin Preediyanon Artist Work inquiry Call: 081-685-4793 คุณปุ๊ย Line ID: puissy Tiktok: chippysirin Babies @seasontwins Parlant le thaïlandais couramment et vivant en Thaïlande depuis près de quinze ans, il a conquis le cœur de ses compatriotes d’adoption qui vouent un culte sans précédent à cette discipline ancestrale. Antoine Pinto joins The K1Anoop Show following on from winning his GLORY Kickboxing debut by decision against, Richard Abraham at GLORY 38 Chicago. Your username is shorter than 15 characters and that is good to remember your username. Cette zone calme du pays offres beaucoup d'activités du kayak, jet, ski nautique, golf, speleologie, peche, journee en bateau, etc... 301Gym est au milieu de ce paradis, il est loin du bruit, de la pollution et des distractions de Bangkok. L’impressionnant palmarès d’Antoine Pinto est l’une des raisons expliquant sa popularité. As a French national, he is currently one of the most respected boxers in this discipline and enjoys celebrity status in his country of adoption. L’impressionnant palmarès d’Antoine Pinto est l’une des raisons expliquant sa popularité.
As soon as they arrived in Thailand, the Pinto brothers discovered the national sport, Muay Thai, a bit by coincidence. 5 097 en parlent. 221.9k Followers, 119 Following, 628 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Victor Leo Pinto | ลีโอ ปินโต (@victorleopinto) Il est a proximité du parc national marin dans la province de Prachuap Khiri Khan.
His average fight time is 9 minutes and his striking accuracy is estimated at 53.08%. Antoine Pinto और अपने अन्य परिचितों से जुड़ने के लिए Facebook में शामिल करें. @antoine_pinto Instagram Account Audit. Sam Roi Yot Highlights more about 301 Gym offers the perfect atmosphere for men and women to learn and train Muay Thai, get back in shape, lose weight, prepare for a fight or simply to get inspired. 244 Followers, 165 Following, 8 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Antoine Pinto (@toinoupinto)
Join Facebook to connect with Antoine Pinto and others you may know.
Your username contains dash, dot and/or numbers and these characters make your profile hard …
83 Likes, 5 Comments - Antoine Pinto (@antoinepinto) on Instagram Dès leur arrivée en Thaïlande, les frères Pinto découvrent le sport national, le Muay Thai, un peu par hasard. Initially a way to make new friends and learn the national Thai language, this leisure quickly turned into a real passion before turning into a professional vocation. Antoine Pinto's desire to create getaway spaces which offer a gastronomic trip throughout Belgium is the foundation of the Belga Queen brasserie adventure. View the profiles of people named Pinto Antoine. Antoine Pinto, also known as Antuan Siangboxing, is a Muay Thai – or Thai boxing – specialist, Thailand’s national sport. Antoine Pinto 2-1-0 (0 KO) WPMF World Muaythai Champion 70 kg WMC I-1 World Grand Prix Champion 66 kg WAKO World Champion 71 kg WMC I-1 Muaythai World Champion 68 kg “I was born in Toulouse in the south of France. Username is: @antoine_pinto. Antoine Pinto est né en France, dans la ville de Toulouse, avant de déménager avec sa famille en Thaïlande alors qu’il était âgé de seulement onze ans. My family and I moved to Thailand when I was only 11,” recalls the elder Pinto brother. Antoine Pinto was born in France, in the city of Toulouse, before moving to Thailand with his family when he was only eleven years old. 4,114 Followers, 4,054 Following, 2,782 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from SIPARKORN (@mcarmmy) 301 Gym dispose de l'ambiance idéale pour les hommes et les femmes à se former à la Muay Thai, se remettre en forme, perdre du poids, se préparer à un combat ou tout simplement pour s'inspirer.
Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. This quiet area offers many activities including kayaking, jet skiing, golf, cave exploration, fishing, boat day trips, etc. Vainqueur du Glory 38 Chicago en 2017, Super Champion dans la catégorie 75 kg au Thai Fight de 2016, Champion du Grand Prix lors des Championnats du Monde de Muay Thai en 2011, ou encore détenteur de la Ceinture X-One de Thaïlande en 2006, il fait régulièrement partie des principaux classements du World Boxing Council, de Glory Kickboxing (la plus grande organisation de kickboxing au monde) et de Supreme Striking, entre autres.
Join Facebook to connect with Pinto Antoine and others you may know. If you’re interested in talking to other influencers’ representatives, along with members of the Antoine Pinto management team, The Handbook contains over 127,000 verified influencer contacts for planning events, interviews and promotions.
His parents decided to move to the south of the country to open a nature-adventure sports center.