Saison 2, épisode 17 Napoleon and Illya face slow death by drowning, quick death by ravenous sharks and a relentless girl looking for a husband as they try to prevent THRUSH from taking over the entire continent of Africa. The Alexander the Greater Affair, Part 1

6 wins & 5 nominations. 2. Saison 2, épisode 5 Solo, Illya and Mr. Waverly Watusi, frug and swim into a wild bunch of deadly dancers at a discotheque run by THRUSH.

A trigger job by Teddy Jacobson and three dabs of white fingernail polish to high light the sights and it was good-to-go.
Amongst the inhabitants of this dying era are a gang known as "the wild bunch." Saison 2, épisode 8 The men from U.N.C.L.E. "" \"Elia Suleiman turns his delightfully absurdist, unfailingly generous gaze beyond the physical homeland, where parallels and dissonance abound\" " It's 1913, and the "traditional" American West is dying. Saison 2, épisode 12 THRUSH turns a group of angelic-faced, 8-year-old choirboys into assassins.

Au cinéma le 21 Janvier 2015 Un film de Louis-Julien Petit Avec Olivier Barthélémy, Corinne Masiero, Pascal Demolon, M'Barek Belkouk, Sarah Suco et la participation de Zabou Breitman. Another Certificate: Passed Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid. Saison 2, épisode 20 Following a trail of stolen cats, Napoleon and Illya discover a THRUSH agent--and the rejuvenation chemical she has invented to restore youth to her 90-year-old lover.

Adventure Saison 2, épisode 16 A beautiful, scatterbrained blonde lures Napoleon and Illya into a trap.
Certificate: Passed 's headquarters in Geneva and must be stopped before they reach the New York headquarters. “The kind of measured, intelligent provocation which is tailor-made for the audience”“The use of architecture is eloquent as in Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma”“The kind of measured, intelligent provocation which is tailor-made for the audience”“The use of architecture is eloquent as in Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma”By the director of ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL – Best Documentary Cesar AwardsBy the director of ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL – Best Documentary Cesar Awards“Anarchic French filmmakers Benoît Delépine and Gustave Kervern skewer the“Anarchic French filmmakers Benoît Delépine and Gustave Kervern skewer the“Dumb and Dumber meets the “yellow vest” movement.”French Release - August 26th - Les Films du Losange" A hilarious analysis of the terrible world we live in. "" Directed by Sam Peckinpah.

Saison 2, épisode 11 Napoleon and Illya become hunted by a descendant of Robespierre who surrounds himself with the color white and seeks to destroy France's wine industry. Wild Bunch also maintains a strong presence in the world of production, in particular through its Berlin-based brand Senator Film Produktion or in Italy with BIM Produzione. A senator returns to a western town for the funeral of an old friend and tells the story of his origins. Wild Bunch s’est également positionnée sur le marché de la distribution électronique de films en créant Enfin, avec le lancement de Wild Bunch TV, la société a étendu ses activités à la coproduction et la distribution de séries TV dédiées au marché international. Au cours des dernières années, Wild Bunch a acquis et distribué avec succès Service marketing, Responsable des festivals et artistes Pour accéder aux coordonnées publiques des contacts de l'annuaire d'UniFrance, veuillez vous connecter (ou vous inscrire)