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New function wifi curtain switch - set percentage to stop or closeThe module can be compatible with any electric shutter motor with 4 wires,(Live Wire 1, Live Wire If you have any troubles or questions fell free to ask. - Open/Close Automatically according to schedule you set. NEW Function Come - Set Motor Working Time - You can set the switch operation time 10s-120s quickly in the app according to your need. Then you can open the curtain at the percentage as you need. 6. Tie rope to limit switch and end of right curtain.
4. Free shipping !! Main Features. Overview. 3.
- Tiny Size Curtain Switch Module, Easy for Installation. You can adjust your Cookie Preferences at the bottom of this page. Keep the module connected with your home Wi-Fi, then you can control your curtain anywhere with your mobile 2G, 3G, 4G network. But the live wire 1, liver wire 2 (for open and close )and neutral wire these 3 wires must be required for installation, otherwise it can't work with our switch.WiFi Smart Curtain Blind Rolling Shutter Switch Module, Smart Home Automatical Curtain Control System- Wirelss, No Wire, No Limit, Save the labor cost to install a physical roller shutter switch.
( i use zip ties). Rope should pull limit switch when curtains is closed.
You can adjust your Cookie Preferences at the bottom of this page. HOT SALE !!!
Remember your phone need to be connect to the same WiFi as Nodemcu. It provides customers with a one-stop smart home solution that covers Wi-Fi module, cloud services and App software development.
Now you can push button and if motor starts to spin you can go to the next step.1.
Operation range:≤200m You will find a high quality wifi curtains at an affordable price from brands like Xiaomi. AliExpress carries wide variety of products, so you can find just what you’re looking for – and maybe something you never even imagined along the way. It means you don't need to replace your original wall switch.
WiFi frequency: 2.4GHz WiFi. - Voice Control, Google Home, Amazon Echo Alexa.Amazon Alexa, Google Home With voice control to turn on and turn off the curtains.You can create group in the APP to manage all the blinds in your house and share the device to all your family members.By continuing to use AliExpress you accept our use of cookies (view more on our Privacy Policy). You can adjust your Cookie Preferences at the bottom of this page. Try finding the one that is right for you by choosing the price range, brand, or specifications that meet your needs. Voltage: 90-250V AC 50/60Hz. Power Load:500W (Max.)
Tuya Smart is a global Intelligent platform that enables products smarter for consumers, brands, OEM manufacturers and retail chains. Operation temp: -10℃-+40℃ Case temp: Tc +80℃(Max.) You can use manual wall switch to control the shutter. ; MAKE YOUR ELECTRIC CURTAIN SMART: The WIFI smart module connects the electric curtain motor via RJ12 connector. Best service !! The module can be compatible with any electric shutter motor with 4 wires,(Live Wire 1, Live Wire 2, Neutral Wire, Earth Wire), and 100-250 VAC voltage input.
App source code you can find on my It's easier if you have 3D printer but not nessesary if you figure it out for your own how to mount everything- GT2 Belt 6mm (You need to measure your curtain rod. In this tutorial i will show you how to make WiFi controlled courtain.
2, Neutral Wire, Earth Wire), and 100-250 VAC voltage input. Our selection of brands is always growing, so chances are your favorite is on AliExpress. Try finding the one that is right for you by choosing the price range, brand, or specifications that meet your needs. App source code you can find on my GITHUB. By continuing to use AliExpress you accept our use of cookies (view more on our Privacy Policy). AliExpress carries wide variety of products, so you can find just what you’re looking for – and maybe something you never even imagined along the way. If you are interested in wifi curtains, AliExpress has found 5,675 related results, so you can compare and shop! WiFi Curtain: In this tutorial i will show you how to make WiFi controlled courtain.
Parameter: Product type: WiFi Curtain Module.
The switch adopts PSA 1-channel wifi module to control motor clockwise/anticlockwise running control.
Current: 2A. Now connect Nodemcu to your computer, edit my sketch (change your WiFi SSID and PASSWORD) and upload it.5. 50% . Pay attention that you need connect 12V (for stepper motor) and 3.3V (for Nodemcu) to your PCB.4. Tuya Smart Life WiFi Curtain Switch NEW for Blinds Roller Shutter Electric motor Google Home Alexa Echo Voice Control Smart Home Add to Cart.
WiFi Smart Curtain Blind Rolling Shutter Switch Module, Smart Home Automatical Curtain Control System - Wirelss, No Wire, No Limit, Save the labor cost to install a physical roller shutter switch.
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