Got it home and inside, the rifle was in a very good condition, few scuff marks on the outer barrel from where the BB bottles had banged against it and one of the bottles was very dinged up but I didn’t care as it’s just a BB bottle. I am now back at the start of which route do I go. I've watched tonnes of reviews online but they were either from people who didn't appear to have a clue what they were talking about and only bought it because its Novritsch gun and the rest were also pro YouTubers who although said they were being completely unbiased, I am highly sceptical that they didn't make a nice few $$$ from giving it a good review. Yep. A Week later an unexpected letter arrives through the door, it’s the new sear with a link to a very clear instructional (and apologetic) video on how to replace the sear, took me ten minutes and the new sear was installed and wow, no need to wiggle or give the bolt some welly, the sear engage every time, now I could genuinely pinky pull the bolt, now my SSG24 was perfect, shot straight like a laser and had awesome range. Probably if you are not at all tech inclined.
Its rigid aluminum construction, incredibly fast trigger response and the highly accurate shots will give you the unfair advantage on the field. Had a go with a standard VSG10 the other day.
So I am the proud (or stupid) owner of a Novritsch SSG24 (herein called the SSG24).
I started playing airsoft back in 2014, initially with an M4 style weapon before getting some pistols etc, I was always told to “avoid sniping” when starting airsoft and so I did. I adjusted the shoulder stock to my desired length, I did notice the butt wobbled a bit but on further research discovered the RS version does too. If you want a gun that fires perfectly out of the box and don't want to do any tech work, buy the SSG. If you want a gun that fires great with a little tech work and costs less to do, but either the Mod M24 or the A&K M24 and upgrade them(A&K M24 isn't SSG compatibly- but I read a post somewhere saying I has a metal trigger box and a lot of the go to upgrades as standard and requires less money spending on it to upgrade).
(Done in Novritsch’s voice)“WWWWHHhhhattts Up guys!”, then normally followed up by “Today me and Sniper Buddy Fabi are playing in the Urban area equipped with our SSG24s” etc etc etc. Faced away from the wind and fired a few more shots, all shots were dead straight. So I'm thinking solid gun, 30m more range, proper accuracy with great residual value? You need to be 18 years old to buy an airsoft gun. I have £480 burning in my Paypal Account from the VSR-10 sale now.
Item has been … The bolt pull was smooth and I could do it with a pinky finger if the sear engaged. Comes with scope bipod 3 mags and hard case Collection only. If a product doesn’t exist, we design it and then bring it to the market. The Novritsch SSG24 is a no … I had the action army hop up in there and it would still pull to the right, in the end I gave up and sold it, didn’t lose out very much. Compatible with the SSG24 and SSG10A1.
One thing I was a bit disappointed with was that every now and then when racking the bolt back the sear would not engage or semi engage so that the bolt was stuck back, this lead to me on a few occasions double feeding the SSG24, I found that if I racked the bolt giving it some welly or wiggled it when it was back then the sear would engage, sufficed to say I was not best impressed with this. It's easy! WTH! A few years later I got a second hand TM VSR-10 Pro Sniper that had a few upgrades done to it but wasn’t very impressed with the long and harder than normal bolt pull, I upgraded it further with a Mancraft VSR-10 SDiK and Action Army hop up amongst other things. The stock felt the same to be honest but me and the MOD24 owner noted a few differences between the two such as the loading nozzle having a different profile amongst other things
Just to let you know I've added my SSG for sale! Its rigid aluminum construction, incredibly fast trigger response and the highly accurate shots will give you the unfair advantage on the field.The SSR15 features:Programmable …
Questions, questions? High pitch, springy, hollow, non-smooth sound. I will say the same to you as I do everyone else regarding the SSG. So I am the proud (or stupid) owner of a Novritsch SSG24 (herein called the SSG24). I bet Novritsch really hates that he bought out the SSG24 as it means he has to use that now rather than going to a superior platform like the SRS lol Sorry to shamelessly plug it but hey! In the end the SSG24 fills the niche of a fully upgraded airsoft sniper rifle, out of the box, Novritsch saw that niche and filled the void because he had the backing and courage to do so, it could so have easily been House Gamers, MattTheMusketeer or even Jet The Desert Fox (if it was him I wouldn’t buy it though) amongst many Youtube airsoft celebs, he did what some people wish they could do so fair play to him. Overall I was very impressed by it, if any of you know DLA there’s a large lake round the back of the site, I stood 10 metres from the edge of the bank and shot at a tree stump which was also about 10 metres from the bank, the stump had a hole in it about the size of a grapefruit, I managed to get 4 out of 5 shots into that hole from a standing position, I later measured it on Google maps to be about 60m or almost 200ft, I don’t even think that was the max range of the SSG24. I turned up, got it out, loaded some .40g BBs and took down to the playing area to test it out, the day was quite breezy, I installed my Laser Boresight and zeroed my sights to it as a point of reference, took the boresight out and fired the first few shots and DISASTER! Just a bit cheaper. In terms of upgrades I don’t think I will be doing any, why fix what ain’t broke? Torn guys, torn. Its a shame. You mean like this "super secret new pistol" which is 100% going to be a re-branded STTI Mk23 which I bet has all the same defects as the other clone Mk23's? If you watched the Youtube video on how to install the Mancraft SDiK then you probably watched the one I made.