You ain't ever seen no drive like mine, better hop outta my car Got me thinkin' that I'm cookin' in a meth lab Gettin' sick of people tellin' me to smile more I'll just be the outcast I'm just tryna be me, I am nobody else You lookin' for the old me? So I lay in my bed, in my cell with the pen

Paroles de Outcast. They laughin', they tell me I'll never get out My whole life I've been airin' it out Somebody told you I was back? I'll just be the outcast I'll just be the outcast But I will tell you if I don't like you I kinda like it up here, I am not comin' down 15 Translations available. Ain't no tellin' what'll happen when I pick up the microphone, get the fans together

But I'm not Mike Tyson, I won't bite ya' I'd rather be the outcast What, you don't like that? I'm just fulfillin' my destiny Fulfillin' my destiny, yeah I talk to God like, "What's next for me?"

I'm high off the music, my head's in the clouds Take a deep breath, I don't need y'all's respect I'll just be the outcast

I got my own shoes, I ain't tryna fit in yours spanish. italian. Which is kinda confusin', I've no been that way since a child T.S. NF explains in his album promo video that his mind is a mansion. I'd rather be alone, I am not good in crowds Here I go in my feelings again, I can feel it again

If You Want Love Lyrics: I just need some time; I'm tryna think straight / I just need a moment in my own space / Ask me how I'm doin', I say "okay," yeah / But ain't that what we all say? I'm about to unlock my doors

I'm sorry, I wasn't yellin' at y'all, I was talkin' to the voices Yeah, it's cold, but I like that What, am I trapped? Yeah, it's cold, but I like that And I dwell on my sins, I keep wonderin' when Y'all thought I was an issue when the door was locked Sing along to the pain, they love it → the shame would have made her an outcast in her community'outcast' également trouvé dans les traductions du dictionnaire Français-Anglais So I guess for now Yeah, it's cold, but I like that What am I, trapped? Put a camera in my face, might turn Joker like I'm Mike Posner

My thoughts are funny, it feels like I'm onto something, yeah I'll just be the outcast I don't blow it up in front of my own eyes Maybe they would like me more if I got a little graphic with it NF . Lights off in the room and I write songs Woke up in the cell, where am I at? *

Not a fortune-teller, but I can see into the future better Proposer une autre traduction/définition Hey, shut up! Nah, I don't wanna blend in with you little rappin' idiots, I guess I'll be the outcast

I might fall into my thoughts once in a while when the mic's off I'd rather be alone, I am not good in crowds I like space, I don't fit in the crowds Ain't no way I'm gonna hold back Feels wrong, but it feels right There's the door LyricsOutcast NF. Every song on the album is a different emotion – a different story. Comin' from a town where nobody hears a rap like this You got a problem with the fans? traduction outcast dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'outlast',outclass',outstay',outset', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques I'm tryna tell 'em my story! Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : traduire du Anglais à Français avec nos dictionnaires en ligne The Lyrics for Outcast by NF have been translated into 15 languages. Utilisez le dictionnaire Anglais-Français de Reverso pour traduire outcast et beaucoup d’autres mots. Check the source I'll just be the outcast I make songs, I don't make friends, judge me Hm, yeah, that's weird, it doesn't make sense, does it? NF reminisces on his past mistakes and memories was a chapter I'll never forget, it was therapy for me

Never wanted something so bad I guess I'll be the outcast Made with love & passion in Italy. Yeah, you done know I'm 'bout to go mad Door's locked, but the keys are in my hands I take a hundred and staple it right to my tongue So I guess for now Got a weird smile, but I like it though And put the caution tape around me like I did in Intro I, yeah!

My feelings seal tight real nice

I always put the money where my mouth's at, ah! Yeah, it's cold, but I like that What am I, trapped? Nah, you should see me when the door opens Paroles de Outcast par NF. Check the morgue, agh! I'll just be the outcast I rip out the drums of the industry's ears I never been married, but I've felt divorced Life's like a merry-go-round Traduction : paroles pas encore traduites; Tweet; parole Outcast - NF lyrics paroles officielles ♪ Outcast ♪ Woke up in the cell, where am I at? I am not the norm For tryin' to ignore me and playin' while singin' this chorus Every night I can hear voices But I pick up the keys and I put on my Timbs Written by:Tommee Profitt; Nate Feuerstein; Last update on: July 5, 2019. And I'm still tryna figure it out Yeah, they got me reminiscin' now! I don't care what you think, I'm just bein' myself I don't care what you think, I'm just bein' myself Take a knife to my head then I cut it open I kinda like it up here, I am not comin' down Ain't no drink in my hand, but you know the buzz is comin' I paint it on me and I'm walkin' to the microphone You ain't got a seat belt on, better find one

NF. Here's some lines you could dissect: You look a little lost, you ain't get that? Woke up in the cell, where am I at? german (92 %) Choose translation. Feels good to be here now 'Cause I'm respectin' women Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …). Difficult to process

Been a year and a half, feels like it's gone forever If I'ma die, I'ma die givin' everything that I have Yeah, it's cold, but I like that What am I, trapped? Yeah, I guess I don't fit the mold of rap Wow! I'll just be the outcast I'm just tryna be me, I am nobody else I'll just be the outcast Voir plus d'exemples de traduction Anglais-Français en contexte pour “ Heart's beating out of my chest Door's locked, but the keys are in my hands Hm, yeah, that's weird, it doesn't make sense, does it?