6 min read Microsoft Windows - SMB Remote Code Execution Scanner (MS17-010) (Metasploit). For SMB auditing, it is recommended that you at least do the following:And we’re done configuring this task.
This means that when someone on the network attempts to access the SMB server, their system will need to present their credentials in terms of their domain password hash. If the current workspace already has some stolen passwords, that’s a good source to try.
We also have the CAINPWFILE at the very top. You can use the column name to search the database for hosts.
If you scroll up on the page, you should see the Schedule Now button:Click on this icon, and you should see a pop-up that prompts you to set up the time:How often this Task Chain runs is completely up to you.
Currently supports DLLs and Powershell.
We could send the target an embedded UNC path, and when they click on it, we can grab their domain credentials.Unlike some of our other Metasploit attacks, this is neither an exploit or a payload.
Metasploit’s smb_login module will attempt to login via SMB across a provided range of IP addresses. Running Metasploit Remotely. We can start it by entering:Now that we have loaded this module, let's take a look at the options we need to set to use this module.As you can see, this module has numerous options, but we can leave the default settings on each of them, with the exception of the file type to store the hashes for cracking.Notice, I have highlighted the JOHNPWFILE option above. To those out there trying to do a little good with a little bad – have fun and hack responsibly!Hello Scott, why do you use rcraki to crack only half of the hash? First, click on green New Task Chain button:Next, pick a name for your Task Chain. Let’s start with Targets, which should be configured this way:For the Credentials section, ideally you want to at least try all the stolen passwords that you know of, either from a previous pentest engagement, or from a public list (sorry to say).
Metasploit stores host data from in the hosts table. cp /usr/share/windows-binaries/nc.exe smb. Techniques for initiating SMB relay attacks through SQL injection on database platforms like SQL Server have been around a long time. Below is a summary of what will be covered in this blog:In summary, an SMB Relay attack can be loosely defined as the process of relaying SMB authentication from one system to another via a man-in-the-middle (MITM) position. You can access Part 2 and Part 3 now.. Server Message Block, or SMB, is an application protocol that is normally used to share files or printers and other devices. Hopefully it can provide some additional insight into the attack process.I would like to make it clear that none of these are original ideas. This can be used during penetration tests to obtain a meterpreter session on SQL Servers that are using a shared service account. At the end, your configuration will probably look similar to this:The Options portion is mostly for adjusting the timing of the bruteforce.
My hope is that the Metasploit modules can be used during penetration tests to help generate more awareness. In order to use this SMB server, we need to first create a directory to host as a fileshare.
However, it should be noted that the SQL Server service can be configured with a number of different accounts.
We will first run a scan using the Administrator credentials we found.We will use this limited set of usernames and passwords and run the scan again.There are many more options available that you should experiment with to fully familiarize yourself with this extremely valuable module.By way of comparison, we will also run the scan using a known set of user credentials to see the difference in output.You will notice with credentialed scanning, that you get, as always, a great deal more interesting output, including accounts you likely never knew existed.Running this same scan with a set of credentials will return some different, and perhaps unexpected, results.Contrary to many other cases, a credentialed scan in this case does not necessarily give better results.
Based on my five whole minutes of So how can we initiate SMB authentication through a SQL Server? The You should be looking at the Task Chains view.
SMB 3.02 / SMB3: This version used in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2. Fingerprint and display version information about SMB servers.
It’s the last button next to Exports:When you click on Tasks, the menu should expand.
When combined with DCE/RPC, SMB can even give you remote control of a Windows machine over a network.
As it turns out, SQL Server can interact with the file system in a number of different ways.
mkdir smb. The xp_dirtree and xp_fileexist stored procedures are especially handy, because by default they can be executed by any login with the PUBLIC role in SQL Server 2000 to 2012.How does this help us? For example, if you want to see the names of all the hosts stored in the database, you can type hosts -c name, and the console displays a list of all host names in the workspace.
One of the more powerful features built into Metasploit is the ability to set up a fake SMB server.