This is a deliberate reference to the number 1013, which frequently appeared in "Box Cutter" was first publicly shown on June 28, 2011, at the In its original American broadcast, "Box Cutter" was seen by an estimated 2.58 million household viewers, according to I found how I could not scar myself was by understanding completely that Gus was doing something to protect the family. Saison 1; Saison 2; Saison 3; Saison 4; Saison 5; Genre : Drame Durée : 55 minutes Réalisateur : Adam Bernstein Avec Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo Esposito, Jonathan Banks Nationalité : Etats-Unis Année : 2010. "Box Cutter" is the fourth season premiere of the American television drama series Breaking Bad, and its 34th episode overall.
The episode received positive reviews, and was watched by 2.58 million households, according to Gus arrives at the lab but says nothing. Télérama © 2007-2020 - Tous droits réservés - web1

So in order to protect them, he has to do this thing, because this person has been exposed, and he's gotta take care of business to protect the family. Victor veut montrer qu'il en sait autant que les chimistes pour prendre leur place. Le cutter - (S4E1) - Breaking Bad : Choqué par le crime qu'il a commis, Jesse est escorté par Victor jusqu'au laboratoire. Ils n'ont pas de cœur.

"Box Cutter" is the first episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad and the thirty-fourth episode altogether. The episode marked the final regular performances of actors A major theme of "Box Cutter", and the entire fourth season, involved Walter's gradual change into a darker character who becomes more proactively violent and dangerous. Hank ne peut rien faire, toujours paralysé et aigri malgré les attentions de Marie, ni Saul, totalement paranoïaque. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Victor struggles, but Gus pulls Victor's head back ensuring that the blood from the wound sprays on a shocked Jesse and Walt. Gus crosses over to Victor, and continues staring at Walt and Jesse as Walt begs him to forget everything and let them get back to work. Search options. The episode also illustrates Jesse's moral decline and feelings of guilt over his killing of Gale, and Skyler's growing involvement in Walter's illegal activities. Breaking bad s4 ep1 en streaming ( Le cutter) Walter et Jesse sont retenus en otages par Victor et Mike dans Breaking Bad saison 4 episode 1 streaming.Ils craignent la réaction de Gus après le meurtre de Gale (breaking bad s3 ep10).Skyler voir Breaking Bad saison 2 épisode 1, lui (breaking bad s2 ep10), redoute le pire depuis la disparition de Walter cf breaking bad s5 e5. ANTENNEREUNION.FR – créé le 23.05.2014 à 12h29 – mis à jour le 25.10.2014 à 21h51 At the door, he turns and looks over the rail at Walt and Jesse, tells them to get back to walk, and walks off. PARTAGER. In response, Victor switches on the equipment. When Mike asks if he was seen, he admits he was. Il charge Walter de la production de méthamphétamine au laboratoire et envoie Jesse et son bras droit sur la route pour faire le sale boulot. Jesse a tué Gale d'une balle sous l’œil gauche. Mike, dumbfounded, watches as his partner bleeds out and begins moving less and less. Filmed in January 2011, the episode was edited by Skip MacDonald, one of a handful of editors who have regularly worked on the series.

Votre langue Vous pouvez glisser et déposer vos fichiers pour en trouver les sous-titres. Votre films. But Victor doesn't know the chemistry and can't fix problems that might arise, Walt challenges. 18 Juil 2011 à 11:23. Breaking Bad - S04E01 Le Cutter - Tous les sous-titres pour cette série TV . Jesse, grinding his teeth, locks eyes with Gus until, his face covered in blood, Gus pushes Victor's dead body to the floor.

These chemists that he's cultivated, the people that work for him, bodyguards, and everyone else, the people in the laundry, the people in the chicken place — he cares about them. Créé par Vince Gilligan en 2008 Série américaine Genre: drame Format : 42mn "Box Cutter", the fourth season premiere of Breaking Bad, was directed by Adam Bernstein and written by series creator Vince Gilligan. Gus says nothing and Walt, panic mounting, taunts Victor with rapid-fire questions pertaining to the chemistry of the meth-making process, attempting to convince all that he and Jesse are indeed still needed.

” Tous ces personnages sont plus inquiétant que jamais! ”“ Reprise très dark. Humiliated and defeated, he asks Marie to help him use his bedpan. v. f. de (Breaking Bad) Gus décide de briser l'amitié entre Walter et Jesse afin de pouvoir les manipuler à sa guise. Meanwhile, Marie gushes about Hank's progress in physical therapy. Skyler meets him in the driveway and tells him she moved it to avoid questions from Walter, Jr. She does not ask him where he's been, she simply directs Walt to his car and returns to the house. Gustavo's Box Cutter (Breaking Bad Parody) - Bowz - YouTube Written by series creator Vince Gilligan and directed by Adam Bernstein, "Box Cutter" originally aired on AMC in the United States on July 17, 2011. Gus maintains his silence, even while changing into hazmat gear and selecting a Later, Walt and Jesse dispose of Victor's body, the gun that killed Gale, and the box cutter in a barrel of "Box Cutter" featured the final regular appearances of recurring Giancarlo Esposito said that when he first read the script for "Box Cutter", he was so shocked that he had to put it down and walk away from it.A major theme of "Box Cutter" involves Walter's gradual change from an unwitting participant in a drug-dealing enterprise into a man more comfortable with a life of crime who embraces his darker side and becomes more proactively violent and dangerous. Breaking Bad Saison 4 : Episode 1/13 - Le cutter. As he becomes more nervous and agitated, Walt blames Gus for Gale's death: did Gus really think that Walt wouldn't take extreme measures to defend himself. Victor replies that he couldn't because people were already there. v. f. de (Breaking Bad) Gus décide de briser l'amitié entre Walter et Jesse afin de pouvoir les manipuler à sa guise.