Laila del Monte specializes in cases that cannot be healed by traditional medicine and many veterinariens, animal breeders, horse trainers, top horsemen, behaviorists, and animal park leaders have sought her help. Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing Paperback – March 9, 2010 by Laila del Monte Purchase on U.S. Amazon $14.79 Paperback $9.49 Kindle Purchase on U.K. Amazon £13.99 Paperback £13.29 Kindle "Perhaps the most compelling sections of the book are those where del Monte illustrates why animals come into our lives. She has dedicated her life to animals. During her childhood and her early teens, she performed in major venues such as Theatre de la Rose Croix, Theatre de la Sorbonne, theatre Montpensier in Versailles, theatre Maurice Ravel...and toured France with the companies of Irina Grjbina and Gerard Madilian. Este es su casa" canal 1 and "Viva Madrid" canal 3: the international Guitar Festival of Israel. .
Her passion and beauty fills the screen.
She was raised in Paris and Formentera, Spain. But it is only when you feel in depth their thought as if it were your own thought, their emotion as if it were in your own heart, and their feeling as if it were in your own body, that you completely understand the animal. Laila del Monte est heureuse de pouvoir transmettre ses connaissances et sa … In this work she is unsurpassed.”Interview with Lilou Mace web TV Lilou’s Juicy LivingWhile I was in that farm I could feel the thoughts, emotions and the feelings of the animals and this seemed natural to me.
Most people already have intuition and perceptions that can be developed further and this technique allows other people to feel right into the depth of their cells the emotions and thoughts of animals. Later on I developed a technique that allowed me to transmit this ability to other people. @ Laila del Monte | And when people feel this really deeply inside of themselves, that’s when they realize that animals have consciousness.Most people love animals. In 1993 Laila & Adam del Monte came to America and centered their famenco endeavors in and around Los Angeles.
She absorbed the essence of Flamenco in a non academic, informal way by living in Barcelona with the great gypsy dancer la Chana.. Her documentary film Dans La Peau Des Animaux produced for French TV France 5 is now dubbed in English and was presented at the Garifuna Film Festival in Los Angeles in May 2016. Laila del Monte has performed with her husband, Adam del Monte, in many important venues: Casa Patas, Madrid on several occasions where she was most favorably reviewed by Spain's acclaimed flamenco critic, Angel Alvarez Caballero, the 500th anniversary of Columbus celebrations in Paris & Madrid Spain's premier TV stations: "Tabla Redonda" canal 1. She is on the forefront of bringing awareness that animals have souls, are very subjective and often take on the owner’s unresolved issues to the point of physically manifesting diseases if not addressed and healed beforehand.
Flamenco as an art form first came into her consciousness when as a child she was in Sevilla and danced tzigane in a pena for flamenco gypsy musicians. Her second book, Little Wolf, Comment J’ai Appris A Communiquer Avec Les Animaux, as well as her third book Les Animaux… Leur Chemin Vers L’Autre Monde and fourth book Quand Le Cheval Guide L’Homme have also been published by Editions Vega. Laila Del Monte, celebrated author of Communiquer Avec Les Animaux (French, “Communicating with Animals”, just recently translated into English), is a highly regarded animal communicator in France, Italy and Switzerland who teaches animal communication in both Europe and America. People come to the seminars and the lectures or read my books because they love animals. Laila Del Monte, Américaine spécialiste et professionnelle en communication animale aux États Unis.
And in understanding an animal, we are also able to better understand other sentient beings, like other human beings.
To me it was normal and it was part of “my world”. There and then she journeyed to Madrid and studied at Amor de Dios. Laila del Monte's experience will give you hope and a feeling of peace to alleviate your pain. She has also been interviewed for numerous articles in magazines such as Sources, NEXUS (scientific review), and in other specialized reviews. Laila del Monte est une femme américaine d'origine espagnole, pionnière de la communication intuitive avec les animaux.
Laila Del Monte lives in the United States and teaches animal communication in various countries worldwide.“Laila del Monte is someone I admire and consider one of the clearest communicators with animals as well as having access to the highest consciousness and energy.
. Laila Del Monte lives in the United States and teaches animal communication in various countries world-wide. Laila Del Monte spent her childhood on the island of Formentera in Spain. Laïla del Monte a créé les techniques pour traiter les adoptions en 2003 pour le refuge Santé D’or qu’elle a fondé à Los Angeles et celles-ci ont été vérifiées avec grand succès sur de nombreuses adoptions.
This is Lailas film acting debut, her many years of stage shows has made her a natural for this performance. She has dedicated her life to animals.Laila Del Monte is the author of the bestselling book Communiquer Avec Les Animaux, published by Editions Vega, which has been translated into both English and Spanish. Laila del Monte has performed with her husband, Adam del Monte, in many important venues: Casa Patas, Madrid on several occasions where she was most favorably reviewed by Spain's acclaimed flamenco critic, Angel Alvarez Caballero, the 500th anniversary of Columbus celebrations in Paris & Madrid Spain's premier TV stations: "Tabla Redonda" canal 1.