Article Waterworld is een Amerikaanse futuristische avonturenfilm uit 1995 onder regie van Kevin Reynolds en Kevin Costner, die tevens een hoofdrol speelt.Critici noemden de productie met een budget van ongeveer 180 miljoen dollar oorspronkelijk de duurste flop van de eeuw. In realiteit bracht de film in de V.S.

In 2012 it was officially decommissioned by … Character-Biography This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work.Press J to jump to the feed. @steelerfan The elite aboard the Exxon Valdez uses the former crew's quarters. The Exxon Valdez was the worst oil spill in U.S. waters until the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Captain Hazelwood was acquitted on all charges, except a misdemeanor charge of negligent discharge of oil, he was fined $50,000, and sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service. Image from Prop Store of London.

Still a strange metaphor. The Exxon Valdez was an oil tanker that ran aground around Alaska back in 1989, and spilled a bunch of oil; it was one the biggest environmental disasters ever. It is to fair to say that she would be required to hand out a lot more bribes than any other ship, so we can assume the she was fully loaded with cigarettes and alcohol at the time when the ice caps melted. When I first watched Waterworld, I thought it was silly that in world were people barely have enough food and water to survive, the Smokers somehow have a large supply of cigarettes and alcohol. Exxon Valdez was the original name of an oil tanker owned bythe former Exxon Shipping Company, a division of the former Exxon Corporation. The only things that would have survived the melting of the ice caps are the thousands of ships.

It was full of oil.The main villain was handing out cans of Spam on a shittily maintained oil tanker and you think he's, or anyone on the tanker, is smart enough to actually grow shit?New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to /r/FanTheories! Joseph Hazelwood memorialized in ''Waterworld'' -- Former skipper of the ''Exxon Valdez'' revered by film's villain

… By Near the end of the movie, we find out that the Smokers' hideout is actually the Exxon Valdez (even though the ship has been renamed since the incident). Even if the Smokers never came across another large ship, the stores of the Exxon Valdez could have sustained them for a while.That's a good theory, but I think over the amount of time it would have taken for humans to forget where Dry land was, all dem bitches would have been smoked/drank up.Infact, come to think of it the entire premise of the movie is illogical, because if Kevin Costner was the only one who knew there was no dry land, and that it was all underwater, this would mean that in general no-one had submarines, or diving equipment to see this for themselves.

And if they can't manage those things, they couldn't manage to produce/refine Oil/gas necessary to run the engines of the boats. Exxon Valdez was the original name of an oil tanker owned by the former Exxon Shipping Company, a division of the former Exxon Corporation. In 1992, Exxon released a video titled Scientists and the Alaska Oil Spill for distribution to schools. The polar ice cap has … It gained widespread infamy after the March 24, 1989 oil spill,in the movie waterworld a replica of the Valdez is used as the smokers base, in the movie The picture on the wall that Deacon refers as "Old Saint Joe" is actually Joseph Hazelwood, infamous captain who crashed the Exxon Valdez oil tanker into the Alaskan landscape, negligently discharging millions of gallons of crude oil.As a result of the accident, in 1991 the United States Coast Guard suspended his masters' license for a period of nine months. It gained widespread infamy after the March 24, 1989 oil spill,in the movie waterworld a replica of the Valdez is used as the smokers base, in the movie The picture on the wall that Deacon refers as … It gained widespread infamy after the March 24, 1989 oil spill,in the movie waterworld a replica of the Valdez is used as the smokers base, in the movie The picture on the wall that Deacon refers as "Old Saint Joe" is actually Joseph Hazelwood, infamous captain who crashed the Exxon Valdez oil tanker into the Alaskan landscape, negligently discharging millions of gallons of crude oil.As a result of the accident, in 1991 the United States Coast Guard suspended his masters' license for a period of nine months. • On the 1990 comedy show In Living Color season 1, episode 4, Jim Carrey plays Hazelwood in the sketch, The Exxon Family. The setting of the film is in the distant future. The Exxon Valdez was repaired and had a series of different owners before being bought by a Hong Kong-based company, which renamed it the … The Exxon Valdez was an oil tanker that ran aground around Alaska back in 1989, and spilled a bunch of oil; it was one the biggest environmental disasters ever. In the 1995 film Waterworld, the base for the villainous "smokers" is a ship called Exxon Valdez, prominently featuring a portrait of Joe Hazelwood, the captain of the real Exxon Valdez. So, the Captain always kept a large supply of cigarettes and alcohol in the bonded store to make sure his ship and crew did not get detained. The real Exxon Valdez was repaired and renamed several times, changed hands several times, and briefly hauled oil across the Mediterranean Sea.