Hun zachte, zwarte gevederte met de intens groene weerschijn is een van hun charmes. Black Langshans are also from the Asiatic Class of poultry and are a pure breed that originated in China many years ago. They are excellent foragers or can adapt to confinement as well. Pictures Of Croad Langshan Chickens. They are a very large and gentle chicken, inquisitive in nature. ... About Black Langshan chickens / hens for pets in backyard flocks - Duration: 3:01. They originate from Rudong, China, from an area where chickens were domesticated and bred something like 7000 or 8000 years ago. Croad, the first to import them from Langshan district China. Croad Langshans are on the watch list at the Livestock Conservancy. Blue/Black/Splash Croad Langshan. Langshans, are a rare, endangered breed. They will hatch in either blue, black, or splash colors. Croad Langshans are one of the most ancient chicken breeds.

The Langshans are good egg layers, laying 150-200 large eggs per year.

Langshans also share similarities with some other Asiatic breeds like the Brahma.These chickens have been used in the breeding of many other popular breeds that we know today such as Marans and Australorps..

Croad Langshan.

Langshans, are a rare, endangered breed. Egg color will vary from a medium to dark brown with a rose to plum colored bloom. Croad langshan Flock Breezy Bird Farms. They are heavy birds so don’t fly much but are able to get over low fences so boundaries need to be secure. The hens are excellent sitters as they are large enough to cover a dozen eggs at a time and make wonderfully attentive mothers.They are strong, intelligent and active birds and chicks mature fast. They are excellent foragers or can adapt to confinement as well. Loading... Unsubscribe from Breezy Bird Farms? Croad Langshans were named for U.K Major F.T. Croad Langshans are one of the most ancient chicken breeds. American Poultry Association recognizes three color varieties: Black and White were recognized in 1883, and Blue in 1987.

Consider this when placing your chick orders. The hens are excellent sitters as they are large enough to cover a dozen eggs at a time and make wonderfully attentive mothers. Croad by a relative residing in China. De Croad Langshan is een zwaar ras. Important: Minimum order is 25 Chicks and a minimum of 5 per Breed. Generally at hatch it's 50% male, 50% female although there are no guarantees to those percentages. Straight Run OnlyWe cannot sex our chicks at hatch therefore you will recieve both sexes. They originate from Rudong, China, from an area where chickens were domesticated and bred something like 7000 or 8000 years ago. They are a very large and gentle chicken, inquisitive in nature. (Er zijn ook witte Croad Langshans, maar niet zo veel.) from 3.27. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The first birds to reach the western world were purchased in 1871 at the Langshan Crossing near Shanghai, and sent to Major F.T. They are docile, quiet and tolerant birds which are friendly and easily tamed and so are an excellent choice for families.

Croad Langshan. It was Major Croad’s niece, Miss A C Croad, who fought hard to establish the breed in this country. If you are buying more then 50 chicks call for pricing. ~We are experiencing a high level of orders, Please expect at least a 4-6 week delivery turn around time.

Langshans are an Asiatic chicken, meaning they originate from within Asia.

You can mix breeds among chicks to make the minimum order. ~ Maximum of 8 chicks per order ~ Croad Langshans are one of the most ancient chicken breeds. They originate from Rudong, China, from an area where chickens were domesticated and bred something like 7000 or 8000 years ago. They are classified as a dual-purpose bird being good for both egg laying and our appetites. They originate from Langshan in China and were imported by Major F T Croad in February 1872.. This breed has white skin, full breasts, and an abundance of white meat rich in flavor. They are also long-lived birds.

Het perfecte nutras .

You cannot add other types of FOWL to make the minimum order for Chicks. They are cold and heat hardy and will lay through the winter. Black Langshans are also from the Asiatic Class of poultry and are a pure breed that originated in China many years ago. They are distinct from the three other recognized type of Langshans by the “U” shape that is created between their long tail and tall head.