März 2013 entsprochen.Die folgenden stimmberechtigten 115 Kardinäle nahmen teil:Die am Konklave teilnehmenden Kardinäle stammten aus folgenden Ländern: -Andybody have sources for Pope Francis' attire. "Le conclave de 2013 est le conclave qui permet d'élire pape le cardinal argentin Jorge Mario Bergoglio, qui, sous le nom de François, devient le successeur de Benoît XVI, celui-ci ayant renoncé à sa charge le 28 février 2013." See the discussion I noticed a nice image on some other language versions. As soon as Pope Benedict announced his resignation, cardinals began arriving in Rome, and by the day the interregnum formally began, most of them had already arrived.The first of several "general congregations" was held on the morning of 4 March to organize the event.The first congregation (on the morning of 4 March) focused on introductory matters, picking three assistants to the Camerlengo, the recent Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, and a suggestion of a message of appreciation to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, with 13 cardinals giving speeches (simply in the order they had requested to speak).

A telegram of condolence for the The sixth congregation was scheduled for that evening. Some cardinals from the U.S. had stated in their interviews that the conclave might not begin until well into the following week, wanting the issues to be well discussed (this also gives the non-Italian and non-curial cardinals the benefit of getting to know their Italian and curial counterparts, and especially their other colleagues worldwide, better, which may lessen any disadvantage they may have in voting).On 7 March, reporters were shown images of preparation work, including the installation of the chimney.Having met the conditions set for beginning the conclave, the cardinals chose Cardinal On 11 March, the day before the conclave, the non-cardinal officials, support staff and other non-voting personnel who had duties during the conclave took the oath of secrecy in the presence of Camerlengo On Tuesday, 12 March 2013, the cardinals present in Rome, both voting and non-voting, gathered in St. Peter's Basilica in the morning for the Et ego [forename] Cardinalis [surname] spondeo, voveo ac iuro. For your consideration: At least two items in the ref-list have multi-paragraph summaries about Air Jordan shoes. He was a Benedictine, and by the time he became cardinal in 1976, he was Archbishop of Westminster; concurrent with that, he became a cardinal priest, the usual practice for a man who heads a diocese outside of the province of Rome.

L'entrée en conclave débute 15 jours au moins, 20 jours au plus, après la mort ou le renoncement d'un pape ; néanmoins, depuis le motu proprio Normas Nonnullas du 22 février 2013, le conclave peut être convoqué avant ce délai de 15 jours si les cardinaux le décident lors des congrégations générales. If this is a Catholic Conclave how vatican is not a full reliable source?
There are limited circumstances in which married Anglican bishops who convert to Catholicism can be appointed as an "ordinary" for Anglican converts and thus exercise ecclesiastical authority equivalent to a bishop, but he will only be ordained as a priest. Some cardinals from the U.S. had stated in their interviews that the conclave might not begin until well into the following week, wanting the issues to be well discussed (this also gives the non-Italian and non-curial cardinals the benefit of getting to know their Italian and curial counterparts, and especially their other colleagues worldwide, better, which may lessen any disadvantage they may have in voting).On 7 March, reporters were shown images of preparation work, including the installation of the chimney.Having met the conditions set for beginning the conclave, the cardinals chose Cardinal On 11 March, the day before the conclave, the non-cardinal officials, support staff and other non-voting personnel who had duties during the conclave took the oath of secrecy in the presence of Camerlengo On Tuesday, 12 March 2013, the cardinals present in Rome, both voting and non-voting, gathered in St. Peter's Basilica in the morning for the Et ego [forename] Cardinalis [surname] spondeo, voveo ac iuro.

The 2013 papal conclave was convened to elect a pope to succeed Pope Benedict XVI following his resignation on 28 February 2013. Conclave del 2013 - Wikipedia Conclave del 2013 Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Im Konklave 2013, das am 12. This old tradition had last been practiced by "Conclave must not be PREPONED"-Menachery www.indianchristianity.comMenachery: "Conclave must not be Pre-poned". Never use blog posts that are left by readers as sources." Im Konklave 2013, das am 12.März 2013 begann, wurde am 13. He took the name At 19:06 local time (18:06 UTC), white smoke and the sounding of the bells of St. Peter's Basilica announced that a pope had been chosen and shortly thereafter the Vatican web site was changed to say "After two cardinals announced that they would not be attending, the Italian media referred to the Vatileaks scandal as "the 116th cardinal".Under the prior rules, any such person who violated the duty of secrecy was subject to punishment at the discretion of the new pope.Al-Rahi is the fourth Maronite Cardinal-Bishop Patriarch.