And yet the building follows exactly the exhortations of the [architectural] rationalists. The Music Palace was built from 1905 and inaugurated in 1908. A choir of young women surrounds the "sun" in the stained-glass skylight, and a bust of The whole arch over the front of the stage was sculpted by In a semicircle on the sides of the back of the stage are the figures of 18 young women popularly known as the The sculptures of winged horses that enjoy a commanding position in the upper balcony are saidIn each of the vaults between the pillars and the glass walls, there is a white tile medallion, bordered with laurel green leaves, with the name of a great musician. To the left of the stage, starting from it: Between 1982 and 1989 parts of the building were restored to their original state, technically upgraded and expanded to allow additional uses. On 7 September 2018, the Palau de la Música appeared in BBC TV's Release Date trailer for Season 11 of From the opening of the Palau de la Música Catalana in 1908 special attention was given to the promotion of local composers and artists. Miquel Muñiz Galdon, violín Descubriendo jóvenes talentos. Modernisme became an essential means of expression for this rising bourgeoisie.Palau de la Música was designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, one of the most important representatives of the Modernisme and at the time the most renowned architect in Barcelona. Situat en ple Barri Gòtic barceloní, es pot conèixer a través de visites guiades i assistint als seus concerts Concerts de música clàssica i coral | Palau de la Música COVID-19. After Many of the world's best soloists and singers have visited the Palau de la Música Catalana, among them: Many great orchestras and conductors have played at the auditorium, including the Also performing at the Palau have been choirs, such as Important composers have performed or conducted their own works, including Other artists, actors, dancers, jazz soloists, popular singers, and bands have performed at the Palau: The Palau became an emblematic theater for Catalan singers of the For some years, plays were performed there. Companies such as the As the main concert hall in the city, the Palau de la Música Catalana has staged many world Hall and stage form a harmonious unity.

The walls on two sides consist primarily of stained-glass panes set in magnificent arches, and overhead is an enormous skylight of stained glass designed by The architectural decoration in the concert hall is a masterpiece of creativity and imagination, yet everything has been carefully considered for its utility in the presentation of music. The Music Palace was built starting in 1905 and was inaugurated in 1908.The rapid development of Catalonia in the late 19th century produced a well-to-do bourgeoisie, which sought new forms of self-expression. Unusual building materials were used: Lots of glass makes the music palace very bright and gives it a very own mood. The building was financed by donations from wealthy merchants and industrialists.The facade is adorned with mosaic-decorated columns, each of which has a different floral pattern. 16 de septiembre de 2020. The modernistic building is located in the northern part of the old town. The order came from the choir association "Orfeó Català", an amateur music club founded in 1891, performing sophisticated works and enjoying great popularity in Barcelona at the turn of the century. Opened in 2004, the Petit Palau is 11 metres below the square that was created in the work of 1982-1989 between the Palau and the neighbouring church.

As Benton (1986, 58) has pointed out, "To eyes unaccustomed to the architecture of Barcelona, the impression of a riot of ornament lacking any logic or control seems overwhelming. En première instance, le projet fut financé par la commu… The ceiling of the vestibule is decorated with glazed Today, guests generally enter the Palau through the It is ornated by several bronze busts of musicians related to the Palau: Lluís Millet and The concert hall of the Palau, which seats about 2,200 people, is the only auditorium in Europe that is illuminated during daylight hours entirely by natural light. It has a seating capacity of 538 people and is equipped with variable acoustics for different types of music and spoken word. Above the columns are large busts of Originally, guests entered the Palau from the street through two arches supported by thick pillars that opened into the vestibule. They symbolize the different musical styles and embody the spirit of the Palau de la Música Catalana - a performance venue where every musical genre should find its place. To the left and right of the stage are two other imposing sculptures symbolizing folk and classical music.The decorative elements of ceramic with natural forms are also very characteristic of the Modernism.A church organ, which can be heard again after a restoration in 2004, is located above the stage.In the 1980s, the Palau de la Música Catalana was rebuilt and modernized under the direction of architect Óscar Tusquets.