All ports of entry will have additional signage displayed to raise awareness, visible to travellers throughout the entry process. We do this through regular contact with:We are aware that there may be supply disruptions related to COVID-19 and are monitoring the situation closely.Companies that market prescription drugs for human use in Canada must report anticipated or actual drug shortages on We will continue to use all available tools to help manage critical national shortages when they happen, and work with partners so that Canadians have access to the medications they need. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, said the risk for Canadians contracting the novel coronavirus remains low.Ontario’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. David Williams, said the country is in a much better position to respond to the outbreak compared to 17 years ago when severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, killed more than 900 people globally, including 44 in Canada.Williams said researchers have already identified the new virus, and a method to test for it is already being used, which wasn’t the case for the initial stages of the SARS outbreak.Several major airports around the world, including London’s Heathrow and New York’s John F. Kennedy, have also implemented additional screening amid the outbreak.At Heathrow, where there are direct flights from Wuhan, arriving passengers will disembark planes in a separate part of the airport, The additional screening at airports came as the World Health Organization announced Wednesday that it is not ready to declare an emergency over the outbreak. Coronavirus: Canada boosts airport screenings, flight restrictions after complaints Calls for Canada’s border restrictions to be tighter amid COVID-19 The NML is working collaboratively with Canadian provincial public health laboratories through the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network to ensure there is additional testing capacity in multiple jurisdictions.Further collaborative scientific studies to investigate the virus are underway.The Government of Canada is working with international regulators to help fast-track clinical trials and applications for vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tests. Coronavirus: 3 Canadian airports ramp up screening process for travellers. Posted March 16, 2020 6:51 pm .
The federal government is restricting international flights to certain airports and boosting efforts to screen passengers for the The measures announced Monday include redirecting all flights from Europe, Asia, South America and Africa to four Canadian airports after a weekend of disarray that saw many travellers report customs officials were not routinely providing direction to new arrivals.Yet the government also defended its handling of the COVID-19 crisis, saying it has been adapting its response even as respiratory illness has quickly and dramatically spread around the world since first emerging in China in December.“This situation, as we all know, has been evolving extremely rapidly,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during a news conference outside his home, where he has been self-isolating since his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19 last week.“We’re taking more measures, significant measures, today. I can understand people’s frustration, and that’s why we’re ensuring that there is more that will be done every step of the way to keep Canadians safe.”The new measures will see nearly all international flights into Canada directed to the main airports in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver starting one minute after midnight on Wednesday morning. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Ryan Remiorz.

The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities held a global medicines regulators web meeting on March 18, 2020. Am I also exempt from the federal emergency orders?Avoiding layoffs, rehiring employees and creating new jobsApplying a minimum unemployment rate for the Employment Insurance programTemporary wage top-up for low-income essential workersSpecial one-time tax-free payment for certified holders of the Disability Tax CreditMaking personal hygiene products and nutritious food more affordableProviding support to Indigenous post-secondary studentsFunding for additional health care resources for Indigenous communitiesNew shelters to protect and support Indigenous women and children fleeing violenceProviding a one-time tax-free payment for Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income SupplementTemporarily extending the Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance paymentsReduced minimum withdrawals for Registered Retirement Income FundsSupporting student researchers and post-doctoral fellowsSupporting international students working in an essential serviceDeferral of Sales Tax Remittance and Customs Duty Payments until JuneCanada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) interest-free loansLoan Guarantee for Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesCo-Lending Program for Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesCanada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF)Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) for early-stage businessesDeferral of Sales Tax Remittance and Customs Duty Payments until JuneSupporting business through the pandemic and into recoveryRelief for federally regulated pension plan sponsorsOffice of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions actionsHelping food producers access more PPE and adapt to health protocolsHelping producers faced with additional costs incurred by COVID-19Increasing the Canadian Dairy Commission borrowing limitHelping redistribute existing and unsold inventoriesIncreasing interim payments from 50% to 75% through AgriStabilityEmergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport OrganizationsContinuing the supply of essential goods and services to remote and fly-in communitiesChanges to EI for self-employed fish harvesters and sharespersonsProviding wage support for universities and health research institutesCovering eligible costs to maintain research activitiesDeferring payments on commercial leases and licenses of occupationSupporting the delivery of items and personal outreachProviding immediate and essential services to seniorsSupporting public health efforts through the Canadian Red CrossProviding resources to improve workplace accessibility and access to jobsInvesting in projects through the Accessible Technology Program