Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes. Pacenstein invites Pac, Spiral and Cyli to his castle for a spooky Halloween dinner, with secret plans to put one of them on the menu.After Dr. Pacenstein plays switcheroo with Pac’s body and mind, Spiral and Cyli try to scare up help from the doctor's neighbor, Count Pacula.When President Spheros's niece comes to town, Pac-Man and friends are put on security detail to protect the new girl and keep her safe.Teenage Pac and his loyal crew face the ups and downs of adolescence while protecting Pac-World from a ghostly army led by the evil Betrayus.An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: She's homeless and living on a bus. Plus personne ne croit aux fantômes à l...Pacster, Spirale, Cylindra et les quatre fantômes s'introduisent dans le Royaume des Ténèbres pour récupérer l'arbre de vie. Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes: découvrez toutes les infos, les saisons et les diffusions de la série Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes avec Télé Star Informations . Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes : Saison 1 . This heartfelt documentary follows their journey.As Mexican-American Tejano singer Selena comes of age and realizes her dreams, she and her family make tough choices to hold on to love and music.In seaside Italy, a Holocaust survivor with a daycare business (Sophia Loren) takes in 12-year-old Momo, a Senegalese Muslim street kid who robbed her.A young woman is found brutally murdered in a Copenhagen playground. Votre abonnement CANAL vous permet de bénéficier des contenus Télérama réservés aux abonnés.Beaucoup d'années se sont écoulées depuis les guerres de fantômes dirigées par le commandant Perfidus. Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes Saison 1 - Épisode 20: Paclantide. Pac-Kinley erupt, Pac-Man unearths a prehistoric Cave Pac-Kid.Powerful aliens settle a Pac-World dispute by pitting three teams -- Pac and Spiral, Buttocks and Betrayus, and Apex and Tip -- against one another.While Sir Cumference is on vacation, Buttocks attacks the city with a giant robot, but Pac-Man eats a Brainy Berry and a giant robot battle ensues.Pac's celebrity status takes a hit when a TV show about his life makes him look foolish, and Betrayus plots to use the piece for his own evil ends.While searching for his parents, Pac-Man is transported to a future Pac-World, where Betrayus rules and has bewitched all but a few of its citizens.Pac has his hands full when Buttocks's ghost-nabbing invention causes its users to fall asleep, enabling Betrayus to invade the unguarded city.Blinky instructs Pac-Man in a new fighting technique after ultimate ninja ghost Master Goo starts to train Betrayus's fearsome army.President Spheros plans a spectacularly spooky Halloween party for Pac-World, but a series of Were-Pac attacks threaten to derail the fun event.After Buttocks creates an impenetrable ghost army using his invention Buttanium, Pac enlists Sir Cumference's help to defeat the evil genius.Pac-Man's relaxing summer sky cruise vacation comes to an abrupt halt when he and his friends are confronted by spooky space ghost pirates.When Pac's parents surprise him with a top-secret visit during the holidays, Pac must hide them from his pals, who grow increasingly suspicious.Betrayus takes advantage of Obtuse to rig Pac-World's presidential election; meanwhile, Cylindria and Skeebo launch campaigns for class president.As Obtuse is sworn in as president, Pac-Man and former President Spheros smuggle the Tree of Life out of the Round House and inspire an angry mob.Disguised as a foreign exchange student, Butt-ler is sent to spy on Pac-Man, but switches sides when Pac-Man and his friends are kind to him.It's spring in Pacopolis, but Grinder has nobody to love. Beaucoup d'années se sont écoulées depuis les guerres de fantômes dirigées par le commandant Perfidus. As he gets more stressed about it, more zits appear.When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he finally meets his parents.PacWorld kingpin Obtuse is working for Betrayus and uses Skeebo to try and steal Pac's power berries, but the plan backfires.Pac-Man is physically controlled by Betrayus when he swallows a special microchip.Lord Betrayus steals the repository of the ghosts' corporeal bodies, but not before Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde nab one body to share between them.Accompanying Pac and friends on a mission, Sir Cumference tries to show that he is more than just an old scientist.PacWorld is becoming dangerously hot and its citizens mistakenly blame Sir C.The annual Pacolympics approach and allow for Aunt Spheria to reignite a Pac-Pong rivalry with Lord Betrayus.An ancient artifact once belonging to Pac's parents leads to a temple within a maze that may hold the secret to the Tree of Life.Pac fails his driver's license test because of a ridiculously strict, hovering vehicles department employee, Mr. Strickler.Betrayus's fortunes are changing when he summons a Nether-Witch to curse Pac-Man with bad luck.Dr. Alors que les trois...Des fantômes s'échappent pour envahir le monde de Pac. Pac et ses amis essayent de faire la lumière sur...A l'approche des Jeux Pacolympiques, Pacman et ses amis s'entraînent au Pac-Pong. Informations . Série d'animation ... Pac-Man et les aventures de fantômes : Indiana Pac et le Temple de la Poisse.