That is a fairly simple task. Also, I always like to use recycled materials or something that I can salvage from scrap.This is a simple step that will guide you to build a gear-wheel from a timing belt. Croquis Arduino pour ce télescope: REMPLACEMENT DE L'ÉLECTRONIQUE D'UNE MONTURE LX200 GPS À RIMOUSKI (2020-02-28) On a ici une monture de télescope LX200 GPS qui supportait originalement un tube optique avec miroir de 400 mm, et dont l'électronique avait cessé de fonctionner. The trimmer's center pin is then connected to the Arduino's input pins.To do that safely, connect the red wire from the encoders to the +5V Arduino pin and the black wire to ground. You don’t want to stress the controller too much either in case it’s a) chinese, b) not properly heatsinked, c) running in a hot environment… etc. At his point a bunch of stuff happens on the Arduino By doing this, just be sure you won't swap any wire - following the colors would help you a lot!As I told before, I'm using this Arduino for other purposes, so ignore all the extra wires and components you see from the pictures above - you will not need them!To become a little more "instructive", I feel that I owe you, at least, a simple explanation about the way I programmed the Arduino and the techniques I used to make (almost) any telescope "speak" with Stellarium. Dessislav Gouzgounov. If someone have the arduino code .... Then I realized it would be better if I use a gear-wheel fixed to the mount and telescope to drive the encoders. It´s a very simple interface, where a 470 ohm resistor is used to pull-up the encoder's output and a 10K trimmer is used just as a voltage divider. To have the best result, start to cut a slight bigger circle and then sand it until the timing belt can enter.

Be sure the operation is smooth, and, the most important thing, be sure that there is no slip between wheels and encoder's pulleys.You can confirm that, if you rotate the telescope one complete turn, the encoder will rotate exactly 15 times. Why ASCOM with Arduino. Reply

I think it's an old and outdated protocol, but is simple to use and, for this end, works just fine.While connected to Arduino, periodically Stellarium sends 2 strings: ":GR#" - ready to receive RA and ":GD#" - to receive DEC. The South Florida Science Center recently added a new ten-inch telescope and ... the operator can turn them off using the remote control. After the paint dry, install the timing belt again and it´s done!Install the altitude wheel directly to the telescope, using the existing bolt.

Thank you very much for sharing this project. One thing that is important to do: Set up your location, otherwise, all the coordinates will be wrong..So, just click, at the left side of your screen, the location manager and add your location (I mean, your observation site location...! The video below shows this tool chain in action. Great project. To do that, just open the code using Arduino IDE and edit (using the tab "config.h") your current location and the right ascension (AR), as well the hour angle (H) of the pole star (at the moment you connect to Stellarium). For this purpose, it's desirable that you enable some features at the "view" and "configuration" tabs, as you can see from the pictures above.Make sure you have everything in place (both electrical and mechanical) and run your telescope by opening the telescope's plugin. Then after the time i have thinking to make a motorized base to can use an computerized system to aim the objetcs and seek they.