An evil ninja attempts to avenge his death from beyond the grave, by possessing an innocent woman's body. 23 of 25 people found this review helpful. Anyway American Ninja rocks. My fav ninja movies apart from Revenge of the Ninja. An expert fighter leads an assault on the island lab of a madman making a virus for terrorists. The first film looks great on blu, with the others taking up the rear but still getting the job done. This is a great item if you want 1-4 and not a bad price each film on it own blu-ray witch is good thing It's got a good, long documentary. Michael Dudikoff is a soldier in this movie and he is labeled as a troublemaker. Use the HTML below. American soldier, obviously very skilled in martial arts, single-handedly takes on mercenaries in the Philippines. Joe rescues Patricia and gets her safely back to the base, but everyone else in the platoon is killed, leading his superiors to conclude that Joe is guilty of cowardice, collaboration or simple incompetence. When an American scientist investigates their abduction, he is implicated in the process and must rescue them to absolve himself of the crime. Joe rescues Patricia and gets her safely back to the base, but everyone else in the platoon is killed, leading his superiors to conclude that Joe is guilty of cowardice, collaboration or simple incompetence. This is a very good Blu-Ray edition. If your expectations are appropriately curbed in terms of picture quality - these were made in the 80s, when cheap film stock was king - you'll most definitely be pleased. Even today, I get a kick out of it, on a nostalgic level and when watching it with buddies and laughing at all the hokey and the technical screw-ups. Worthy of a collection to any 80s action fan or ninja aficianado. I kids dream come true. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. A senator is targeted by the Pentangle, a right wing paramilitary group. The American Ninja series was five films, three of which starred Michael Dudikoff, which saw the title character White Ninja (aka Pvt. An American reporter teams up with a martial arts expert, whose half-brother is a "yakuza" - Japanese mafia - drug dealer to battle swordsmen from around the world in a Turkish arena. It was directed by Bobby Jean Leonard and written by John Bryant Hedber, Greg Latter and George Saunders. Add our editors' Netflix movie and TV picks to your Watchlist, including mini-series "Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? I love the first two films. Agent Jack receives an emergency message from his brother Phillip, whose team was ambushed on the Caribbean island of St. Keith. A young officer, just out of West Point is sent to Vietnam, where the men don't respect him until he gets wounded and returns to be a wiser soldier and a better commander Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff) nie pamięta swojego dzieciństwa. So go see this movie. The last film gets the original American Ninja back who heads off to rescue the ninja from the 3rd film this has a better story line and the fights are somewaht better. With David Bradley, Steve James, Marjoe Gortner, Michele B. Chan.
Standard action film from the time these were made, the 1st film is really good, the 2nd is a pretty good follow up. what kind of crap is this. An expert fighter leads an assault on the island lab of a madman making a virus for terrorists. all these disk say sorry, they are not comparable with my blue ray player, how is that, my player is a blue ray player. One of my favourite nunjitsu films from 80's recomended Agent Jack receives an emergency message from his brother Phillip, whose team was ambushed on the Caribbean island of St. Keith. It's clean of scratches and dust and the color looks nice for an older low budget movie.

American Ninja Trailer 1985 Kung Fu Movie Starring Michael Dudikoff. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? An American reporter teams up with a martial arts expert, whose half-brother is a "yakuza" - Japanese mafia - drug dealer to battle swordsmen from around the world in a Turkish arena. He opens a doll shop but is unwittingly importing heroin in the dolls. On a remote Caribbean island, Army Ranger Joe Armstrong investigates the disappearance of several marines, which leads him to The Lion, a super-criminal who has kidnapped a local scientist and mass-produced an army of mutant Ninja warriors. Ex-D.E.A. Wraz z kapralem Curtisem Jacksonem (Steve James) rozwiązuje zagadkę tajemniczych napadów wojowników ninja na amerykańskie konwoje.stare naiwne dobre kino, hehe spotkałem kolesia na lotnisku w L.A w 2001r. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. I used to watch American Ninja II as a kid all the time. I have no idea how many times I saw this movie growing up, but it is easily over 15 times. So go see this movie. I had forgotten some of it as it had been a while but i remembered i liked it and i did again. When his friend betrays him, Cho must prepare for the ultimate battle. It was interesting seeing American Ninja 1 for the first time (or I was to young to remember). When Joe and Patricia jump off the roof, there is an obviously inflated balloon on the roof that they land on.

At the same time, the rebel leader vows revenge against the serviceman who disrupted his plans, and sends an army of ninjas to assassinate him and bring back Patricia.

With Michael Dudikoff, Steve James, Larry Poindexter, Gary Conway. I think this should be required viewing for any male child 13 years or younger. We had some awesome battles.