benachbarte Städte und Dörfer : Villeneuve-le-Roi, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges und Orly. Nearby cities and villages : Villeneuve-le-Roi, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Orly. Villeneuve-le-Roi is a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France.It is located 13.7 km (8.5 mi) from the center of Paris.The early 19th-century French orientalist Jean-Baptiste Rousseau (1780–1831) was born in Villeneuve-le-Roi on the boat that arrived from Auxerre.. Orly Airport is … Available Information : Postal address, Phone, #DE_EDIFICE# fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Number of inhabitants, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel. Villeneuve-le-Roi ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 21.384 Einwohnern im Département Val-de-Marne in der Region Île-de-France.

Die Pont de Villeneuve-le-Roi führt die Route départementale D136 über die Seine und verbindet den Ort mit Villeneuve-Saint-Georges am gegenüberliegenden Ufer. Durch die Neuordnung der Arrondissements im Jahr 2017 wurde aus dem Arrondissement Créteil die Fläche der acht Gemeinden Ablon-sur-Seine, Choisy-le-Roi, Ivry-sur-Seine, Orly, Valenton, Villeneuve-le-Roi, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges und Vitry-sur-Seine dem Arrondissement L’Haÿ-les-Roses zugewiesen. Places not to be missed!Quality establishments for a successful holiday. benachbarte Städte und Dörfer : Orly, Ablon-sur-Seine und Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. Umgeben wird Ablon-sur-Seine von den Nachbargemeinden Villeneuve-le-Roi im Norden, Vigneux-sur-Seine im Süden und Athis-Mons im Südwesten. Departement: Val-de-Marne: Obvod: Créteil: Kantón: Villeneuve-le-Roi: Súradnice Najvyšší bod ... Wikimedia Commons: Ablon-sur-Seine: Webová stránka: Portály, ktorých súčasťou je táto stránka: Geografický portál Francúzsky portál: Ablon-sur-Seine je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Val-de-Marne, v regióne Île-de-France.

The department of Val-de-Marne has the number 94 and is divided into 3 districts , 49 townships and 47 municipalities. Villeneuve-le-Roi : Villeneuve-le-Roi Lokalisierung : Land Frankreich, Region Ile-de-France, Departement Val-de-Marne.

Department: Val-de-Marne: Arrondissement: L'Haÿ-les-Roses: Canton: Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Choisy-le-Roi: Intercommunality: Grand Paris: Government • Mayor (28/06/20-) Philippe Gaudin: Area. Verfügbare Informationen : Anschrift, Telefon, #DE_EDIFICE# Fax, E-Mail Adresse, Webseite, Bürgermeister, Geographische Koordinaten, Einwohnerzahl, Fläche, Höhenlage, Wetter und Hotel. Dormant since 2008, the life of the association has been suspended. The municipal council took this activity under consideration. - … Available Information : Postal address, Phone, #DE_EDIFICE# fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Number of inhabitants, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.

Ablon-sur-Seine is an urban commune located some 15 kilometres (9 miles) to the south-east of the centre of As it is an urban commune there are numerous roads in the commune with the most important being the D266 going north to the The Seine river forms the whole southern border of the commune. Die Einwohner werden Ablonais genannt. The whole of the western border and the Seine are also the border between the The economic activity Ablon has always been linked to the river but a cropping part of its economy was favoured by its The commune has many buildings and structures that are registered as historical monuments:

Department: Val-de-Marne: Arrondissement: L'Haÿ-les-Roses: Canton: Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Choisy-le-Roi: Intercommunality: Grand Paris: Government • Mayor (28/06/20-) Philippe Gaudin: Area.

Ablon-sur-Seine gehört zum Arrondissement Créteil und zum Kanton Orly. Verfügbare Informationen : Anschrift, Telefon, #DE_EDIFICE# Fax, Webseite, E-Mail Adresse, Bürgermeister, Geographische Koordinaten, Einwohnerzahl, Fläche, Höhenlage, Wetter und Hotel. Villeneuve-le-Roi : Villeneuve-le-Roi Localisation : Country France, Region Ile-de-France, Department Val-de-Marne. Poloha. Centered on the vine and fishing from the fifteenth century, the town is also illustrated throughout centuries by its strong Protestant presence, particularly through the castle built by Agnes The economy of Ablon-sur-Seine has always been oriented towards the use of the river, particularly through trade in timber, coal and wine, before becoming an important residential town in the Paris region in the nineteenth century.Walking through the town, including Mani dock, you can admire the tower of Châtel Ablon single vestige of the medieval castle built in the mid-fourteenth century by Jacques de Pacy.To enjoy sunny days, the city offers three pleasant green spaces and rich games for children: Dreher parks, Place of entertainment and learning, cultural space Alain Poher offers a rich program throughout the year suitable for all ages.Cultural and sports events are offered throughout the year in the town.Animations take place on the occasion of Christmas with a carousel, a Christmas delicacies or distributions for all.Quality establishments for a successful holiday. The department is the second level of administrative divisions on the map of France.