einen Vorgang nachverfolgen und abschließen: aviat. Browse our courses and use filters to narrow your selection.This week we explain the phrase "to "keep [someone] in the loop". Registered in England and Wales No. It’s a stepping stone that will help you achieve your dreams.Wondering what course is best for you? Once again, way to keep me in the loop. I'd appreciate if you'd keep me in the loop - on Art and, you know, his condition.
This is often heard in conversational English, particularly within the workplace.
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/keep+(someone)+in+the+loopTo keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group. Written by the Bell Team This week we explain the phrase "to "keep [someone] in the loop". Le chiederei la cortesia di tenermi aggiornato sulle condizioni di Art. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google At Bell, we believe that English is more than a language. Information passes around this loop, going through all who are in the loop.Think of it like the circle of trust in the film ‘Meet the Fockers”!Was this useful? We've hired a new intern to help you with data entry, so be sure to keep her in the loop about the project. This is often heard in conversational English, particularly within the workplace.You can take charge of the project, just keep me in the loopHow can you expect me to understand why you’re behaving like this if you don’t keep me in the loop!Don’t forget to keep Jane in the loop, as she will need to report back to the rest of the teamThe phrase is mainly used in conversational EnglishIt is often used as a request but can also be a rebuke when someone hasn’t kept you informed as they should have doneA loop is a circuit, doubling back on itself to make a continuous circle.
Registered office: 1 Red Cross Lane, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, CB2 0QU - Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … Ti prego, tienimi sempre informata. keep (someone) in the loop To keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group. Keep me in the loop, Nicky. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'keep someone in the loop' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. to loop the loop: einen Looping drehen: to let somebody / someone else do the work: einen anderen die Arbeit machen lassen: to let somebody / someone else do the work: jemand anderen die Arbeit machen lassen: to keep score: Punkte aufschreiben: to keep score: Punkte zählen: to keep in custody: in Gewahrsam behalten Tłumaczenie słowa 'to keep sb in the loop' i wiele innych tłumaczeń na polski - darmowy słownik angielsko-polski. keep (someone) in the loop To keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group. At Bell, we believe that English is more than a language.
idiom to close the loop [coll.] We've hired a new intern to help you with data entry, so be sure to keep her in the loop about the project. See also: keep, loop keller-sports.com D az u halten w ir Dic h mit u nserem Newsletter über die wichtigen Nachrichten aus der Tenniswelt, die neuesten Trends und tolle Sonderaktio ne n auf dem Laufenden . Ancora una volta, un motivo in più per tenermi nel giro. Copyright © 2020 Bell Educational Services Ltd (t/a Bell English) - See also: keep, loop It’s a stepping stone that will help you achieve your dreams.Wondering what course is best for you? Browse our courses and use filters to narrow your selection.Bringing you up-to-date information and useful insights from Bell, so you know exactly how we can support you - when the time is right. For that purpose, with our newsletter we keep you in the loop of the most important tennis news, the newest trends and fantastic offers.