Food at the pensions is simple, tasty, and plentiful. You will not go hungry. - welcome Tahiti - … Ces îles constituent les zones de peuplement les plus orientales de la Polynésie française, situées à 1 586 km à l'est-sud-est de Tahiti.En fait, c'est l'atoll Temoe, rattaché administrativement aux îles Gambier (dans la commune de Gambier), et situé à 54 km à l'est-sud-est, qui est réellement l'île la plus orientale de Polynésie française. All came back clean. Mangareva — the largest island and only island developed for tourism. Very few locals speak English. There are no ATM's or banks. These tests were performed by Greenpeace.
2.1 wiki en; 3 UpToDate Contents; 4 English Journal; 5 Japanese Journal; 6 Related Links; 7 Related Pictures; WordNet. Many of the locals, the land, and water have been tested for residual radiation. At the pensions usually one person will know basic English words, but anything approaching a conversation will be impossible. Please bring enough French Polynesian Francs for your holiday. A Gambier-szigetek vulkanikus eredetűek. It's a great walk. If you wish to see one of the other islands in the group, ask your pension about day trips. Locals here deal with cash only. All the four small atolls in the group are uninhabited: Matureivavao, Tenararo, Tenarunga, and Vahanga. 1 WordNet; 2 Wikipedia preview. At the 2007 census, the Tuamotus (including the Gambier Islands) had a population of 18,317 inhabitants (15,862 in 2002, 8,100 in 1983). Wear lots of sunscreen, and be careful of Stonefish.
According to French Polynesian doctors who have worked in the area, considerably higher than normal incidences of cancer and thyroid problems are found amongst Polynesians who live near the Moruroa atoll. There are no rental cars. ; Undeveloped — Akamaru (11 pop. Gambier Islands 目次 . Approximately from the 10th to the 15th centuries, the Gambiers hosted a population of several thousand people and traded with other island groups including the Marquesas, the The Gambiers served as a logistical staging base for French military vessels visited the area (as of 1993) every six months collecting specimens of water, food, human hair and other material, as well as taking detailed accounts of births, deaths and other demographic events, presumably for on-going research into the effects of the nuclear testing. Adventure Denarau Island Must Do. Rikitea Ruins
If you wish to have anything specific for you trip I would highly recommend bringing it with you from home, as prices even in Papeete are high. I would discourage any public nudity despite the idyllic setting. Despite French nuclear testing at nearby Muraroa the water is safe to drink, and bottled water is available from small shops in town. Bug spray is recommended. These abandoned remains have been noted for their dark, eerie feel. The Gambier Islands or Mangareva Islands are a populated (1641 people), small (30 km2) group of islands, remnants of a caldera along with islets on the surrounding fringing reef, in French Polynesia, located at the southeast terminus of the Tuamotu archipelago. Regions [] Gambier Group []. Ez a világ legnagyobb atoll-láncca, amely a Csendes-óceánban egy Nyugat-Európányi területet foglal el. Duff. Across the path from St. Micheal of Rikitea Church is a well-maintained 140 year-old rectory, occupied by the parish priest. The Gambier Islands are a group of coral reef islands in the southeast extreme of the Tuamotu Islands archipelago of French Polynesia.. Among these archeological relics are a convent, a triumphal arch, several watchtowers, a prison and a court. It's a fascinating day. Enjoy a piece of the planet nearly untouched by the modern world. A Gambier-szigetek (franciául: Îles Gambier, hivatalosan Archipel des Gambier) egy szigetcsoport a Dél-Csendes-óceánon.A terület politikailag Francia Polinéziához tartozik. PENSION MARO'I (highly recommended) - Family Pension The church, which is still in use today, is inlaid with iridescent mother-of-pearl.
edit Introduction. There are no streams/wells. Arrange with your pension to be picked up at the dock (after taking the ferry from the airport on the motu). One has a decent selection of alcohol, but you will pay dearly for anything but beer. From a day on the green, blissful spa body wraps and wild water park rides, Denarau Island truly has something for everyone.